• Resolved acsnaterse


    Hi there,

    When using the “purge cache” actions from the plugin, they seem to to be reflected in the frontend at all. Not on page or template (ie. flush homepage after publishing a post) level, but even not on “purge all” level.

    The cache only seems to be flushed, when we manually remove the “lscache” folder from the document root (so, not part of the webroot or wp-content folder). But as you can imagine, this is not a desirable situation, and also impossible to purge caches on page or template level.

    What could be the cause for this issue?

    Maybe important information about our server setup: the webroot is not a “hard” folder, but a symlink to the last deploy folder in our “releases” folder (we use Deployer for deployments). Not sure if this could cause any issues with this plugin?

    Thanks in advance!

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  • Plugin Support qtwrk


    please follow this guide to grab the cache tag and purge tag for the page in question

    Thread Starter acsnaterse


    Thanks for this!

    We’ve performanced this, and we do see the (correct) purge headers fired, after publishing/updating a post.

    Beow output from debug.purge.log:

    X-LiteSpeed-Purge: public,db31_Po.348925,db31_URL./news/filters-2/all/exclu-police-hack-encrypted-messaging-app-arrest-dozens/,db31_Po.348897,db31_T.24,db31_T.26,db31_T.27,db31_FD,db31_A.39,db31_PT.post,db31_post,db31_F,db31_H,db31_PGS,db31_PGSRP,db31_REST => LiteSpeed\LSC->send_headers()@597


    X-LiteSpeed-Purge: public,db31_Po.348925,db31_URL./news/filters-2/all/exclu-police-hack-encrypted-messaging-app-arrest-dozens/,db31_Po.348897,db31_T.24,db31_T.26,db31_T.27,db31_FD,db31_A.39,db31_PT.post,db31_post,db31_F,db31_H,db31_PGS,db31_PGSRP,db31_REST

    However, the homepage, but also the post itself, are not being purged at all. We still get keeping at a x-litespeed-cache “hit” (again: CF is still disabled during these tests)

    Plugin Support qtwrk


    X-LiteSpeed-Purge this is the purge tag header/list

    now please try to get the cache tag for homepage and post itself

    you can manually add a query string like ?test123 that will force new generation , in debug log or HTML source code bottom of it , if you have debug log enabled , you should see the x-litespeed-tag list , see if the cache tag are within or contained by purge tag

    Thread Starter acsnaterse



    <!– X-LiteSpeed-Tag: db31_HTTP.200,db31_front,db31_URL./,db31_F,db31_Po.11,db31_PGS,db31 –>

    Detail post:

    <!– X-LiteSpeed-Tag: db31_HTTP.200,db31_post,db31_URL./news/exclu-police-hack-encrypted-messaging-app-arrest-dozens/,db31_Po.348925,db31_ –>

    Plugin Support qtwrk


    okay now this is making crazy …

    what happens if you do




    does it purge ?

    if above works , then try

    require( './wp-load.php' );
    do_action( 'litespeed_purge', 'F' );


    require( './wp-load.php' );
    do_action( 'litespeed_purge', 'Po.348925' );
    Thread Starter acsnaterse


    Okay, when performing the headers above it does not seem to work.. Or better said: not working completely.. Of the 10-15 attempts (loading the PHP script with this header), I get 1 “miss”, and further only hits. So, I wonder if that “miss” is just a matter of coincidence.

    When performing the header with only the URL path (see below), it works every time (a “miss” after every test-clear):

    <?php header(‘x-litespeed-purge: /news/exclu-police-hack-encrypted-messaging-app-arrest-dozens/’);

    Is there maybe something we need to check on server level?

    Plugin Support qtwrk


    yes, please enable server debug log (in webadmin console -> server conf -> log -> log level = debug , debug level = high)

    then you should be able to see what is the HTTP response header it received , and what is cache tag it attached to page

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