• I have users generating WordPress content within my internal network. I have a requirement to publish this content to an externally accessible WordPress server in my DMZ. I expect the progression of events to be: user publishes content internally on the internal server, some PHB makes a decision to publish internal content (after review ad nauseum) to the DMZ server for the cloud to view.

    My questions are:

    – how can I publish this internal content to the external server
    – this content must be published in such a way that comments to articles are not altered nor deleted

    If the structure of the WordPress program and the requirements of this publishing requires that only new articles are published to the DMZ and no articles once published may be edited, etc., ok. Though I would like to have the comments sync’d from DMZ to inside and new comments sync’d inside to the DMZ in the event that a PHB or tech support comments to a user, etc.



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