I do not fully understand which page you mean when you say that nothing shows on “the page”.
When you enter information for header text and header buttons, you can make them appear on the single project page like this: https://demo.terra-themes.com/meteorite-agency/projects/project-08/
The projects carousel widget has this different options: https://demo.terra-themes.com/meteorite/widgets/projects-carousel/
However the header buttons are not part of these views.
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Sorry for the confusion…
This is nothing to do with the actual main page header buttons.
When you create each new project for the project carousel, there’s an option for header buttons (see image), which I assume is a button for each project on the carousel. However, nothing shows on the carousel relating to buttons when adding the project carousel widget to a page.
Hopefully, I’ve explained it better, but apologies if it doesn’t quite make sense. But I’m guessing from your response that it doesn’t work that way.
No problem 🙂
The page I linked is a project page, so it’s different from the “main page” header buttons. If you create a project and add buttons to it they appear in the projects header on the page for this specific project.
Unfortunately there is no option for using the header buttons in the caroussel itself.
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Ahh okay no worries then.
Thanks for the help! 🙂
You’re welcome! 🙂 Feel free to ask further questions in a new thread. I will mark this one as resolved.