• Resolved ashikai


    I’m trying to use this plugin with a custom query. It works perfectly for the normal archive-product.php page, but I’ve created a new page with a custom query loop and the filters will not actually filter the results.

    It *looks* like it works since the ajax loader shows up and the page does that soft-reload thing, and there’s no errors in the browser console and the products listed don’t change.

    Is it not possible to use this plugin with a custom query? Or is there something I’m missing?

    • This topic was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by ashikai.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author Dmytro Holovnia



    “Or is there something I’m missing?” – yes.
    WooCommerce have a lot of hooks before and after the query. There we are adding our own code and control the process. Without them it just cannot work.

    You need to use shortcodes and apply your code through the hooks.


    Thread Starter ashikai


    Oh ok. I did get it to work then. I just had to remove everything and replace it with echo do_shortcode('[products category="clothing" paginate="true" limit="24" columns="3"]'); and now the filters work.


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