• Resolved kcurlsjr


    So I have implemented an achievement based on the user nomination functionality and have experienced a few issues:

    1. I have the setting “Send email when submissions/nominations are received” enabled, but the site admin (me) doesn’t get a notification when there is a pending nomination to review. I have also added my email in the “Notification email addresses” field and still no email is received.

    2. (I’m not sure if this is a bug, but if it is the intended design perhaps we can re-think it). Currently the achievement I have tied to a user nomination requires approval from the admin. If Joe nominates Sally for the achievement, but that nomination is denied, Sally receives an email indicating that she was denied. Wouldn’t it be better to send that notification to Joe and not let Sally know that she was up for an award… since it was denied?


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  • Fixed #2 by changing line 712 in submission-actions.php (function badgeos_set_submission_status_nomination_denied) from

    $email = $args[ 'user_data' ]->user_email;


    $email = $args[ 'from_user_data' ]->user_email;

    Now the nominator receives an email when a nomination is denied.

    Michael Beckwith


    The BenchPresser

    I could see that change being a viable one, at least in situations where it was intended to be kept quiet about the nomination. However that’s also not *always* the case. Don’t actors and musicians know ahead of time that they’re up for possible awards?

    That said, I can file an enhancement issue for unannounced nominations, but I can’t guarantee it’ll be an accepted enhancement either.

    Michael Beckwith


    The BenchPresser

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