• Resolved luor



    we have a problem – the map generated from your plugin does not meet the conditions of google. What can we do to display missing items…

    Below info

    We are happy to see developers using the Google Maps Platform Service. However, we have detected that your application, https://…., does not fully comply with the Google Maps Platform Terms of Service (https://cloud.google.com/maps-platform/terms/).

    In particular, your application violates Section 3.2.2(b) of the terms, which requires developers to “display all attribution that (i) Google provides through the Services (including branding, logos, and copyright and trademark notices); or (ii) is specified in the Maps Service Specific Terms (https://cloud.google.com/maps-platform/terms/maps-service-terms/).” In addition, developers are not allowed to “modify, obscure, or delete such attribution.”

    how to solve it

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  • Plugin Author Alan Fuller


    So have you obscured any of Google’s brands or logos ( maybe accidentally by CSS or overlapping divs? )

    I can’t really advise any more as you have not shared the page, except read Google’s message and check your site.

    The plugin does nothing to obscure.

    Thread Starter luor


    Hi, thank You for your answer.

    here is example link: https://www.ifrancja.fr/ogloszenia/oferta-pracy-casting-do-serialu-france-tv-ile-de-france/

    Plugin should display logo and terms of services by default ??

    Thread Starter luor


    I checked it, we have calass with display: none
    but this is inline css… ?

    .gm-style .gmnoscreen, .gmnoscreen {
    display: none;

    Plugin Author Alan Fuller


    Yes definitely something on your site – but not that.

    Out of curiosity I went though your site and believe it is caused by the following, I hope that helps you solve your issue.

    /* * CSSMap plugin - THEMES * version: 5.5 
    * web: http://cssmapsplugin.com * 
    * author: Łukasz Popardowski { Winston_Wolf } 
    * license: http://cssmapsplugin.com/license 
    * FAQ: http://cssmapsplugin.com/faq * 
    * email: http://cssmapsplugin.com/contact 
    * twitter: @CSSMapplugin
    Thread Starter luor


    Thank You

    I thought your map didn’t show it….

    Thread Starter luor


    the problem was the generic class css…
    div { position: relative; } overwrites inline class – position:absolute;

    Thank You

    Plugin Author Alan Fuller


    Great you sorted it.

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