Hello Minnzen,
Thanks for reaching out regarding your site.
You may follow this guide to add your site to the Google Search Console – https://yoast.com/add-website-to-google-search-console/
Did you optimize your site for the keyphrase ‘Lempeyttä elämään’?
Thank you so much for a quick reply! My problem is that when I follow the steps from the link you gave me, I can’t see the option “Click the arrow next to ‘HTML tag’ to expand the option.” at all! I only get the notice: “Ownership confirmed automatically”. Does this mean everything is already as it’s supposed to be?
I believe I have optimized my site for the keyphrase ‘Lempeyttä elämään’. How can I check that? Thank you so much for your help!
Yes! That’s correct. Everything is as it is supposed to be. You don’t need to add any code in the Yoast SEO plugin.
It’s possible that the keyphrase is highly competitive. If your keywords are highly competitive, we recommend reviewing other aspects of the site in order to improve your ranking. You may want to use long-tail keywords. More information here: https://yoast.com/focus-on-long-tail-keywords/
Thank you so much for the quick reply! Can you tell me where I can check my keywords in Yoast? I’m so happy for this help 🙂
For each post or page, you can check in the Yoast SEO metabox under the default WordPress content editor. In the alternative, you can export all keyphrases to a .csv file but that feature requires the Yoast SEO Premium. This helpful article explains better – https://yoast.com/why-and-how-to-export-your-focus-keyphrases-with-yoast-seo-premium/
Hello! Thank you so much for your help! Now I have checked all the pages and still I have this strange problem:
When I type “Lempeyttä elämään”, the search result is this:
“Lempeyttä elämään: Lämpimästi tervetuloa ❤️ !https://lempeyttaelamaan.fi
Jo ajatus valmennuksesta, terapiasta, tai mistä tahansa elämään muutosta tarjoavasta tahosta, on ensimmäinen askel … Maailma tarvitsee enemmän lempeyttä.”
I have already changed this text and it doesn’t even exist on my page anymore.
When I type “lempeytta_elamaan”, the result is as it should be and as it is written on my page also:
“Lempeyttä elämään: Lämpimästi tervetuloa ❤️ !https://lempeyttaelamaan.fi
Lempeyttä elämään. Vaihtoehtoja uupumukselle ja suorittamiselle. Tule muutosmatkalle ja löydä itsesi! Etusivu · Valmennus · Meditaatio- ja rentoutusohjaus … ”
I don’t have this “lempeytta_elamaan” in my keyphrases or anywhere, so I don’t understand this problem.
We are going ahead and marking this issue as resolved due to inactivity. If you require any further assistance please create a new issue.