This problem occurred with the upgrade to 3.2.1
We made a fix regarding coupon limits that will go out in the next release, would it be possible to apply the fix on your site and then test if this fixes the issue for you?
Now work from cart page but not from checkout page.
We have the same issue with a coupon we’ve had in place since May (unlimited coupon – limit 1 use per user). Recently some users can use the coupon but others receive a “coupon usage limit has been reached” message. The coupon had worked well for over 900 people but now is problematic.
We did upgrade to WooCommerce 3.2.1. Can you please tell me when the next release will be available? We are sending out this coupon daily to people who join our email list and are starting to amass a considerable number of folks who are having difficulty.
Hello, we noticed there was an update to WooCommerce yesterday. Was the fix for this known coupon problem included in this newest update? If you can please confirm I would appreciate it.
Plugin Support
Hannah S.L.
Automattic Happiness Engineer
The fix was included in version 3.2.2 on 31 October 2017.