Hi @stardeuche ,
You’ve missed to add the priority and number of arguments in your add_filter() call – it should be like this:
add_filter('manage_users_custom_column', 'add_content_entite_users', 10, 3);
You must always specify the number of expected arguments if your filter function expects more than 1 argument.
Also you should move the carbon_get_user_meta() call to be inside the if() so you do not get the meta for every column but just for the column you need, like so:
if($column_name == 'entite') {
$user = carbon_get_user_meta( $user_id, 'crb_entite_utilisateurs' );
echo $user;
This makes the final code look like this:
function add_content_entite_users($value, $column_name, $user_id) {
if($column_name == 'entite') {
$user = carbon_get_user_meta( $user_id, 'crb_entite_utilisateurs' );
echo $user; // NOTE: you should probably return $user, not echo
return $value;
add_filter('manage_users_custom_column', 'add_content_entite_users', 10, 3);
thanks so lot for your response.
but i have got another problem because my code had changed. I’m using a complex fielf for put more parameters by an user. My code is here :
// Add field in user profile_personal_options
Container::make('user_meta', 'Entité utilisateurs')
field::make('complex', 'crb_champ_entite_utilisateurs')
Field::make('select', 'crb_select_users_entite', 'Entité assignée à l\'utilisateur')
->add_options( spm_list_entite() )
In add options, i’m putting an array with this code
function spm_list_entite() {
//on check la présence du terme entite de la taxonomie category
$checkTermes = term_exists( 'entite', 'category' );
if($checkTermes !== 0) {
//initialisation du tableau dans lequel on stocke les entités assignées aux articles
$arrayVarLogin = array('SUPER ADMIN');
$argsTerms = array (
'order_by' => 'name',
'order' => 'ASC',
'fields' => 'all'
$termsChildEntites = get_terms( 'category', $argsTerms );
foreach ($termsChildEntites as $termsChildEntite ) {
if($termsChildEntite->parent > 0 && $termsChildEntite->parent == 13) { //13 est l'id du terme entite. Avec cet id on peut trouver les termes enfants de ce terme parent
$nameChild = $termsChildEntite->name;
//on push les données dans le tableau $arrayVarLogin
array_push($arrayVarLogin, $nameChild);
//$arrayVarLogin[$nameChild] = $nameChild;
return $arrayVarLogin;
} else {
$defaultEntiteArrays = array('default_array' => 'Aucune entité pour cet utilisateur');
return $defaultEntiteArrays;
For my other code i’m using your recommendations but my code doesn’t work
// Add entités user role admin screen
function modify_columns_users($columns) {
return array_merge($columns, array(
'entite' => 'Entité'
add_filter('manage_users_columns', 'modify_columns_users');
function add_content_entite_users($value, $column_name, $user_id) {
if($column_name == 'entite') {
$user = carbon_get_user_meta( $user_id, 'crb_champ_entite_utilisateurs' );
echo $user;
return $value;
add_filter('manage_users_custom_column', 'add_content_entite_users', 10, 3);
thanks so lot for your big help…and sorry for my late 🙁
Your problem is not really in the scope of Carbon Fields as it’s related to WordPress admin columns.
I’d suggest you check out the WordPress admin column documentation or find a suitable admin column plugin/library.
ok thanks for your response
bye 😉
Sorry but i come back to you with this problem. I don’t uderstand the datas return by a select in complex field
In your documentation, i can see that your datas return with the default keys value but in my code, i’m trying to return an array with a custom key for retrieve this datas in my users admin column.
For retrieve this datas i’m creating a function PHP. With this function i’m putting a custom keys arrays but in a complex field i can’t retrieve the good datas
My code is here
function spm_list_entite() {
//on check la présence du terme entite de la taxonomie category
$checkTermes = term_exists( 'entite', 'category' );
if($checkTermes !== 0) {
//initialisation du tableau dans lequel on stocke les entités assignées aux articles
$arrayVarLogin = array('0' => 'SUPER ADMIN');
$argsTerms = array (
'order_by' => 'name',
'order' => 'ASC',
'fields' => 'all'
$termsChildEntites = get_terms( 'category', $argsTerms );
//on déclare la variable $i afin de modifier les keys du tableau. Le plugin carbon fields ressort uniquement les keys du tableau, il faut donc mettre les résultats
//dans les keys du tableau
$i = '';
foreach ($termsChildEntites as $termsChildEntite ) {
if($termsChildEntite->parent > 0 && $termsChildEntite->parent == 13) { //13 est l'id du terme entite. Avec cet id on peut trouver les termes enfants de ce terme parent
$nameChild = $termsChildEntite->name;
//incrémentation de la variable $i à chaque boucle
//on push les données dans le tableau $arrayVarLogin
array_push($arrayVarLogin, $nameChild);
//on modifie les keys du tableau avec nos keys personnalisées
$arrayVarLogin[$nameChild] = $arrayVarLogin[$i];
return $arrayVarLogin;
} else {
$defaultEntiteArrays = array('default_array' => 'Aucune entité pour cet utilisateur');
return $defaultEntiteArrays;
with a var_dump my datas return are strange
array (size=1)
0 =>
array (size=2)
'_type' => string '_' (length=1)
'crb_select_users_entite' => string '0' (length=1)
array (size=1)
0 =>
array (size=2)
'_type' => string '_' (length=1)
'crb_select_users_entite' => string '5' (length=1)
array (size=3)
0 =>
array (size=2)
'_type' => string '_' (length=1)
'crb_select_users_entite' => string '4' (length=1)
1 =>
array (size=2)
'_type' => string '_' (length=1)
'crb_select_users_entite' => string '3' (length=1)
2 =>
array (size=2)
'_type' => string '_' (length=1)
'crb_select_users_entite' => string '1' (length=1)
I have got a difference with this datas of my function PHP and the datas of a complex field…i’m very sorry but i don’t understand my mistake
thanks so lot
I found it works !!!
A little mistake in my code and in my procedure in back office wordpress
Sorry for the inconvenience
bye 🙂 !