• After we updated to the latest version of WordPress and your Contact Form, we noticed a strange behavior. While the forms located on the main area of a post still worked fine, a contact form placed in a widget now inserted about 8 inches of blank lines before displaying the fields for the user to respond. We had not altered the widget. A professional consultant verified this behavior and suggested we contact you to ask if this was because of a change in WordPress or your Contact Form code. Unfortunately the site owners insisted that I remove the offending widget, but if you need to see an example, I may be able to provide one. The actual text widget code was
    ‘<div class=”shadow”>
    <div style=”border:1px solid #000;padding:5px;”>
    [si-contact-form form=’4′]
    but even when the shadow div and paragraph elements were removed, the extra space remained.
    Don Shirer

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