• Resolved joseayres


    Problem: I changed folder site installation on the server and ALL custom types are gone. I have the newer version of wordpress. The categories are perfect, only the post types.
    Note: I created a type of post for testing and only it appears. Following log:

    ### Begin Custom Post Type UI Debug Info ###

    Multisite: No

    SITE_URL: http://arquidiocesedecampogrande.org.br
    HOME_URL: http://arquidiocesedecampogrande.org.br

    WordPress Version: 5.2.4
    Permalink Structure: /% postname% /
    Active Theme: Jupiter Son 6.1.4

    Registered Post Types: post, page, attachment, revision, nav_menu_item, custom_css, customize_changeset, oembed_cache, user_request, wp_block, clients, animated-columns, edge, employees, faq, news, portfolio, pricing, tab_slider, testimonial, photo_album, tessste, mkhb_header, mkhb_revision

    PHP Version: 5.6.36
    MySQL Version: 5.7.21
    Web Server Info: Apache

    Show On Front: page
    Page On Front: Proposal 3 Homepage (# 17050)
    Page For Posts: Blog (# 4338)

    WordPress Memory Limit: 128MB


    MU PLUGINS: (1)

    MU Organizer Plugin: 10.1.1


    Custom Post Type UI: 1.6.2
    WordPress Maintenance: 1.0.4


    Advanced noCaptcha & invisible Captcha: 5.5
    Akismet Anti-Spam: 4.1.2
    All-in-One Event Calendar by Time.ly: 2.5.43
    All In One SEO Pack: 3.2.7
    AMP: 1.2.2
    Artbees Themes Captcha: 1.0
    Autoptimize: 2.5.1
    Classic Editor: 1.5
    Content Views: 2.2.0
    Content Views Pro: 5.3.2
    Favorites: 2.3.1
    FormCraft Basic: 1.2.3
    Formidable Forms: 4.02.03
    Jetpack by WordPress.com: 7.7.1
    LayerSlider WP: 6.7.6
    Master Slider Pro: 3.2.7
    Goal Box: 5.1.2
    My Above The Fold CSS: 1.3
    Ninja Forms: 3.4.18
    Ninja Forms – Mautic: 3.1.2
    OneSignal Push Notifications: 1.17.8
    PHP Compatibility Checker: 1.5.0
    Plugin Organizer: 10.1.1
    Post Expirator:
    ProfileGrid: 3.8.1
    Redirection: 4.3.3
    Restrict Taxonomies: 1.3.3
    Sheet Music Library: 1.2
    Slider Revolution: 5.4.8
    Smush: 3.2.4
    Super Progressive Web Apps: 2.0.2
    User Role Editor: 4.51.3
    WooCommerce: 3.7.0
    WordPress Importer: 0.6.4
    WordPress Popular Posts: 4.2.2
    WPBakery Page Builder (Modified Version): 5.4.8
    WP File Manager: 5.3
    WP Mail SMTP: 1.6.2
    WP Mautic: 2.2.2
    WP Mautic Form Integrator: 1.0.3

    Post Types:
    {“tessste”: {“name”: “tessste”, “label”: “tesdfs”, “singular_label”: “twetwet”, “description”: “”, “public”: “true”, “publicly_queryable”: ” true “,” show_ui “:” true “,” show_in_nav_menus “:” true “,” show_in_rest “:” true “, rest_base”: “”, “rest_controller_class”: “”, “has_archive”: “false”, ” has_archive_string “:” “,” exclude_from_search “:” false “,” capability_type “:” post “,” hierarchical “:” false “,” rewrite “:” true “,” rewrite_slug “:” “,” rewrite_withfront “:” true “,” query_var “:” true “,” query_var_slug “:” “,” menu_position “:” “,” show_in_menu “:” true “,” show_in_menu_string “:” “,” menu_icon “:” “,” supports ” : [“title”, “editor”, “thumbnail”], “taxonomies”: [“category”, “secret_year”, “liturgical moment”, “forania”, “sanctuary”, “horario_missas”, “pastoral_movimentos”, “munus “,” cargo_padre “],” labels “: {” menu_name “:” “,” all_items “:” “,” add_new “:” “,” add_new_item “:” “,” edit_item “:” “,” new_item ” : “”, “view_item”: “”, “view_items”: “”, “search_items”: “”, “not_found”: “”, “not_found_in_trash”: “”, “parent_item_colon”: “”, “featured_image”: “”, “set_featured_image”: “”, “remove_fea tured_image “:” “,” use_featured_image “:” “,” archives “:” “,” insert_into_item “:” “,” uploaded_to_this_item “:” “,” filter_items_list “:” “,” items_list_navigation “:” “,” items_list “:” “,” attributes “:” “,” name_admin_bar “:” “},” custom_supports “:” “}}

    {“document_type”: {“name”: “document_type”, “label”: “Document Types”, “singular_label”: “Document Type”, “description”: “”, “public”: “true”, ” publicly_queryable “:” true “,” hierarchical “:” true “,” show_ui “:” true “,” show_in_menu “:” true “,” show_in_nav_menus “:” true “,” query_var “:” true “,” query_var_slug ” : “”, “rewrite”: “true”, “rewrite_slug”: “”, “rewrite_withfront”: “1”, “rewrite_hierarchical”: “0”, “show_admin_column”: “true”, “show_in_rest”: “false” , “show_in_quick_edit”: “true”, “rest_base”: “”, “rest_controller_class”: “”, “labels”: {“menu_name”: “”, “all_items”: “”, “edit_item”: “”, ” view_item “:” “,” update_item “:” “,” add_new_item “:” “,” new_item_name “:” “,” parent_item “:” “,” parent_item_colon “:” “,” search_items “:” “,” popular_items “:” “,” separate_items_with_commas “:” “,” add_or_remove_items “:” “,” choose_from_most_used “:” “,” not_found “:” “,” no_terms “:” “,” items_list_navigation “:” “,” items_list ” : “”}, “meta_box_cb”: “”, “object_types”: [“decrees”]}, “instance”: {“name”: “instance”, “label”: “Instances”, “singular_label”: “Instance”, ” description “:” Catalog with instance type: Parish; Pastoral; Movement; New community; Others; … “,” public “:” true “,” publicly_queryable “:” true “,” hierarchical “:” true “,” show_ui “:” true “,” show_in_menu “:” true “,” show_in_nav_menus “:” true “,” query_var “:” true “,”

Viewing 8 replies - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)
  • Plugin Contributor Michael Beckwith


    The BenchPresser

    If you’ve changed, say what folder on the server the WordPress core files are in, and thus the permalink structure, then you probably just need to visit your permalinks settings to get those flushed out and the new URL taken into account for everything.

    Note that just cause the posts may appear to be 404ing, unless you lost database content, then you haven’t lost content at all. It’s just not being found based on URL yet.

    Thread Starter joseayres


    thanks for the feedback.
    1. the site was in “homolog.arquidiocesedecampogrande …” and was moved to “arquidiocesedecampogrande …”, which is the folder where the public site is;
    2. I’ve updated the permanent links three times and nothing has changed.
    3. If the types are still in the database, how do I get them back?
    Again, thank you very much.

    Plugin Contributor Michael Beckwith


    The BenchPresser

    Just to confirm where the issue likely is, can you disable permalinks temporarily and then try to view one of the posts?

    Also did you confirm that any htaccess files were either moved, or verified accurate? Or if one even exists at the moment in the new location for WP rewrite rules?

    Thread Starter joseayres


    The site went down completely. We are trying to fix it. Once I have news, I put it here. Thank you again.

    Thread Starter joseayres


    – We recover the server backup with both sites in their original locations (old site in folder 01; new site in folder 02. Both within the public root);
    On the “new” site we moved from folder “02” to folder “01”:
    – The post types were in the database but not displayed on the published site;

    – The change of folder or url somehow broke the functioning of the plugin;
    – I will export custom post settings to import again when we retry site migration to see if posts appear.

    Thread Starter joseayres


    Just to confirm where the issue likely is, can you disable permalinks temporarily and then try to view one of the posts?

    Also did you confirm that any htaccess files were either moved, or verified accurate? Or if one even exists at the moment in the new location for WP rewrite rules?

    I will test your suggestion as well.
    Should I resume migration next Wednesday

    Plugin Contributor Michael Beckwith


    The BenchPresser

    Do whatever you need to do to get this up and running again.

    Chances are if you’re seeing a very generic, mostly white screen 404 error when trying to view the posts, then something at the server level isn’t understanding permalinks and is instead trying to serve as if the url is folders on the server.

    If you’re seeing a 404 error but the WordPress theme is showing around it, then it’s just a permalinks issue going on. Not sure if you have any plugins active related to permalinks or have done any extra customization there.

    Plugin Contributor Michael Beckwith


    The BenchPresser

    Any new developments with this one @joseayres ?

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