• After having tried with wp_kses_allowed_html, i have found no solutions to prevent WordPress to sanitize taxonmy term names. There are possibilities only for term descriptions. I just need to allow the tag i the titles. I am afraid it is not possible to bypass this wp core function.

    • This topic was modified 2 years, 2 months ago by Yui. Reason: moved to "developing with wordpress"
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  • Moderator bcworkz


    Try using the ‘attribute_escape’ filter to replace the escaped text with alternatively escaped text. You need some kind of escaping even if it’s not the default method.

    The problem here is letting non-term names be escaped as normal, as all sorts of values pass through this filter. Add the callback for this from a more specific callback hooked to something like “pre_{$taxonomy}_{$field}” filter. Then have the callbacks remove themselves from the filter stack when done with remove_filter().

    Thread Starter pipoulito


    Thanks but sorry i don’t really understand.
    Do you have a code example to prevent to remove tag when editing a taxonomy term name ?

    Everything is possible in WordPress however it depends on how your titles are coded in your theme. I assume you’re referring to your archive titles for taxonomies like category and tag archive page titles and i assume you want to add a tag to your titles?


    But not all themes use this method.

    Thread Starter pipoulito


    I mean even in backend when I save a category term with html , the html is removed.

    You can’t do that. You need to use PHP code to filter the title to wrap it in a HTML tag depending on what your theme uses for your archives.

    Try get_the_archive_title

    Something like this in your child themes functions file using the correct conditional tag

    add_filter( 'get_the_archive_title', function ( $title ) {
        if ( is_category() ) {
            $title = '<div class="your-class">' . single_cat_title( '', false ) . '</div>';
        return $title;
    Thread Starter pipoulito


    It as it is not for all the titles the logical won’t work. I going to create a meta field title html.

    You can use the filter with conditional tags or copy over a template file from your parent theme to your child theme. Try a archive.php or index.php file which you can then modify in your child theme folder. You can see the template hierarchy here https://developer.wordpress.org/themes/basics/template-hierarchy/#category

    You still haven’t stated what theme you are using?

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