• I think you don’t need premium version. It does not have any special features and does not have a good scanner. Some parts of plugins are also in .json format and are not translatable.

    The free version is complete but it is as heavy as other security plugins. The documentation is not enough and clear for some settings.

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  • Plugin Support aporter



    If you need help with the plugin please do open a support request.

    I’m not sure what you mean about the .json any data stored in them files are for the plugins configuration not user displayed text, if thats not the case somewhere then please do let us know so it can be fixed.

    As for documentation, almost every option in the plugin has documentation in plugin and for the more advanced features we also link back to further documentation on our website.

    If theres a particular feature your having trouble with and would like more documentation or support with please do let me know so it can be looked at.

    Best Wishes,


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