Hi @bennmeyers,
Are you referring to plugin usage documentation, or documentation for modifying the plugin files?
As a block for the WordPress 5.0 editor, the usage is quite straightforward. The options are contained within the Block settings, https://cloudup.com/cEPp_wUJ1x9
As for code documentation, the plugin is the subject of our custom Gutenberg block tutorial, which outlines every aspect of the code, https://organicthemes.com/create-custom-block-wordpress-gutenberg/
Let us know if there is anything else we can do to improve documentation. Thanks!
I’m having trouble inserting parts of the profile into HTML. let’s say I write an ACF field exactly like yours for a profile and want to display just the image. If I wanted to do this I would look up the “Field Name,” (for this example it will be profile_image) in the wordpress backend. Then in the HTML template I would write <? get_field(‘profile_image’); ?>. I’m looking for a list of field names and/or documentation about how to call the parts similar to this:
Anyway, this is the documentation I was looking for when I installed the plugin
Have you been able to successfully accomplish this with any other Gutenberg block? Blocks are developed primarily in JS, and the code you are using to retrieve the custom field is in PHP. That’s great if it works, I’ve just never tested it, and didn’t know if it was possible.
Anyway, here are the field names for the various elements of the Profile Block:
Again, I’m not sure what you’re trying to accomplish is possible. The attributes for those fields are defined in greater detail within the previously provided link.