• user files is a nice plugin.

    But PHP has two settings for limiting form upload. And user files only checks one of them.

    In the code for the widget or manage_files_user() (user-files/functions.php) it checks for the file size through ini_get('post_max_size').

    This is not the limit for a individual file. It’s the limit for the whole form posted (which can hold multiple file upload instances for example). It should check the ini-directive for upoad_max_filesize instead.

    post_max_size = 8 MB
    upload_max_filesize = 2 MB

    One can fix it by commeting out two rows and adding a third:

    row 115 in widget.php

    //	$max_post = (int)(ini_get('post_max_size'));
    //	$MaxSet=1000000*(int)$max_post;
    $MaxSet  = (int)(ini_get('upload_max_filesize')); // no extra math needed since upload_max_filesize is set in MB and not bytes.

    (To change it for the short_code option you locate the same variables on row 463 in functions.php.)


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