• Resolved rappel


    Hi again,

    what is the best way to add a stylish post to post navigation (next and previous) to the single posts, please? I wish the theme comes as default with this point.

    Thanks and regards,


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  • Theme Author ElmaStudio


    Oh, you mean how to add a navigation to the ‘Single Post’ template to navigate to the next post?

    I will check if we can add this and style it. It might be simple styling for now. I will have a look for the next theme update.

    Thread Starter rappel


    Hi Ellen,

    that is what I mean. It would be great if you can add this.

    Thanks and regards,


    Thread Starter rappel


    Hi again and thanks for the update to v1.1. I see in the demo that you have added the next and previous links to the single posts, it is really nice. But how can I add it to my template, please? I am not really good in the work with the editor so it would be useful, if you can give us a short how to do for this.

    Thanks and best regards,


    Theme Author ElmaStudio


    Yes, we added the template, but you would need to update the Single post Template to see the changes.
    I will record a little video later today to show how to update the template, and I will link it here in the thread.

    Thread Starter rappel


    Thanks Ellen, I am looking forward to the video.

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