• Resolved jaguirre89


    Hi all,

    I’m trying to submit from data submitted in our calculator (sidebar Calcola il Peso tassabile) to this page with a pre-filled out Gravity Form. I don’t have any idea where to start and am a pretty amateur dev. Help?

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    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author codepeople


    Hello @jaguirre89

    You are using the free version of the plugin, that not includes the server side modules to process the information collected by the form, and for this reason does not include the option “Display a submit button?”. However, you can to insert a submit button in your form inserting a button field, and entering as its onclick event the following piece of code:


    But with the free version of the plugin, the information submitted by the form should be processed by yourself.

    Best regards.

    Thread Starter jaguirre89


    I have the premium version of the plugin now but haven’t installed it. If I remove the free version and install the premium version, will my already-created form still be there?

    Once I add a submit button, how do I carry that information to the Gravity Forms input fields so they will be pre-filled out?


    Plugin Author codepeople


    Hello @jaguirre89

    The upgrade process is safety because does not modify the entries of the forms in the database, so, you can to deactivate and delete the free version of the plugin before installing the Professional one.

    Concerning to your request, it requires some additional code. For example, assuming there is a field in the Gravity form with the id=”first_name”, and there is a field in the form created with the CFF for the first name called fieldname1 (both forms are in the same page). You simply should to insert a “HTML Content” field in the CFF form with a piece of code similar to the following one as its content:

    jQuery(document).on('change', '[id*="fieldname1_"]', function(){

    Best regards.

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