• Salam n Hola

    I’ve used LH Archived Post Status in one of my client sites.
    It works almost similar to PublishPress Future accept that instead of changing the post status to “draft”, it changes the post status to “archive”.

    However, LH Archived Post Status does not work in Gutenberg. It also does not work when PublishPress Permissions is enabled.

    So, here I am looking at PublshPress Future. Is there a way to add “Archive” Post Status into PublishPress Future so that I can use it instead of LH Archived Post Status.

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  • Plugin Author Steve Burge


    Hi @kodeexii

    Thanks for the idea. Sorry, neither WordPress nor our plugin have an official “Archive” option yet.

    Thread Starter Al-Hadee Mohd Roslan


    I’m using PublishPress to add the “Archive” post status.
    Would be nice if I can now select that in the PublishPress Future Settings.

    😀 😀 😀

    Thread Starter Al-Hadee Mohd Roslan


    Any filter snippets I could use to add Archive into the options in Future Settings and Metaboxes?

    I would like to avoid directly editing the plugin source files to add this option.

    Plugin Author Steve Burge


    Hi @kodeexii

    Sorry, we don’t have a code snippet for that.

    This is the kind of advanced problem that our developers can solve for PublishPress members.

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