• Resolved georg



    thank you very much for this great lightweight contact plugin.

    I use the form at the bottom of each page. After successful completion, the user jumps back to the top of the page. I would like to stay the user at the same position as the form after success.

    How would I manage this?


    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author WPKube


    Hi @georgp

    You’re welcome and thank you.

    That’s quite an interesting “challenge question” you have set on the form. I’m not German but understood what’s needed.

    I see the issue, we’ll get that fixed up in the next update.

    Thread Starter georg


    Great you made the challenge, @wpkube 🚀
    Thank you for taking care of the issue.
    Have a nice evening.

    I have the same problem on two client sites.

    I note most contact page submissions jump back to the top of the page, but some re-scroll back to the contact form. Ideally, the page would *not scroll at all* after submission and remain right where it is.

    Plugin Author WPKube


    Hi @gpfnz

    The originally mentioned issue will be fixed in an update this week.

    Ideally, the page would *not scroll at all* after submission and remain right where it is.

    You are referring to AJAX submissions, correct? So the submission of the form would be done without a page reload, correct?

    Thread Starter georg


    @wpkube Thanks for the Update. Works perfect in new Version: 20210409.

    Thread Starter georg



    Plugin Author WPKube


    You’re welcome.

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