• Resolved Deepak Kumar


    Hello Sir,
    I hope you are doing well.
    It was working well before update to latest wordpress, php and plugin.
    I am having issue with croping quality and images are looking dissorted.
    Right now I have the latest wordpress with php version 7.2.26

    Some of the image cropped looked fine and some of the images not.

    Here is the origin image https://redcatstudios.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/home.png

    And see cropped image – https://prnt.sc/rb8vzn

    And I have different size from the below codes-

    set_post_thumbnail_size(271, 137, array(‘left’, ‘top’));
    add_image_size(‘testimonial-thumb’, 261, 127, array(‘left’, ‘top’));
    add_image_size(‘homeslider-image’, 730, 530, array(‘left’, ‘top’));
    add_image_size(‘gallery-image’, 405, 425, array(‘left’, ‘top’));
    add_image_size(‘twentyfourteen-full-width’, 1038, 576, array(‘left’, ‘top’));
    add_image_size(‘home-project-image’, 244, 270, array(‘left’, ‘top’));
    add_image_size(‘portfolio-project-image’, 475, 510, array(‘left’, ‘top’));
    add_image_size(‘testimonial-project-image’, 90, 90, array(‘left’, ‘top’));
    add_image_size(‘Blog Post Thumb’, 400, 300, array(‘left’, ‘top’));

    Hope to hear from you soon and have solution.


    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

Viewing 11 replies - 1 through 11 (of 11 total)
  • Plugin Author Volkmar Kantor


    are you able to crop the images with the plugins editor?

    I think

    • (A) Your theme did not use the cropped versions of the image (you can check by have a look at the image-names). OR
    • (B) the add_image_size settings prevent the plugin from beeing able to crop that image size

    Normaly you would set “true” instead of “array(‘left’,’top’)” in the add_image_size definition. Didn’t know about that option.

    Thread Starter Deepak Kumar



    Hi Volkmar thanks for reply.

    But it was working fine before.

    I am still not getting where should I debug and what can make it working.

    One more thing, my crop area is fixed also https://prnt.sc/rbcv1e
    it do not allow me to edit .

    Here is the debug log too

      "url": "https://redcatstudios.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/home-768x2342.png",
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      "lang": {
        "warningOriginalToSmall": "Warning: the original image is too small to be cropped in good quality with this thumbnail size.",
        "cropDisabled": "Cropping is disabled for this post-type.",
        "waiting": "Please wait until the images are cropped.",
        "rawImage": "Raw",
        "pixel": "pixel",
        "instructions_header": "Quick Instructions",
        "instructions_step_1": "Step 1: Choose an image-size from the list.",
        "instructions_step_2": "Step 2: Change the selection of the image above.",
        "instructions_step_3": "Step 3: Click on \"Save Crop\".",
        "label_crop": "Save Crop",
        "label_same_ratio": "Crop all images with same ratio at once",
        "label_deselect_all": "deselect all",
        "dimensions": "Dimensions:",
        "ratio": "Ratio:",
        "cropped": "cropped",
        "lowResWarning": "Original image size too small for good crop quality!",
        "notYetCropped": "Not yet cropped by WordPress.",
        "message_image_orientation": "This image has an image orientation value in its exif-metadata. Be aware that this may result in rotatated or mirrored images on safari ipad / iphone.",
        "script_connection_error": "The plugin can not correctly connect to the server.",
        "noPermission": "You are not permitted to crop the thumbnails."
      "hiddenOnPostType": false
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by Deepak Kumar.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by Yui. Reason: please use CODE button for proper formatting
    Plugin Author Volkmar Kantor


    Thats very strange – i tried the same image on my own system (i thought about that it may a problem with scaling a png). I had no problmes.

    Can you try the same image as JPG?

    Thread Starter Deepak Kumar



    Will you suggest me how can I resolve this issue ?

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by Yui.
    Plugin Author Volkmar Kantor


    once you have cropped the image, there should be an Button “show Data-Debug”. Please post that debug informations.

    Thread Starter Deepak Kumar


    Thanks @volkmar-kantor for quick reply and response.
    I asked my client to use it with small images and it worked fine.

    Thank you both for trying to fix this. I did use smaller images however the same distortion issue remains, it is just less noticeable, see screen shots included. The tool was working great for the past few years and we are using the same sizes, nothing is new. Would love to get it back to working properly again.





    Plugin Author Volkmar Kantor


    Please try to Re-crop the following image size (475×510 — portfolio-project-image):

    On this size (244×270) there is no problem: so it should work also on the larger imges size.

    Does it work?

    Volkma thanks for your quick response, I did try re-croping the image (s) and it all seems to be back to normal. What was the matter? That way we can ensure it keeps working properly.

    Thanks again I really like your plugin.

    Plugin Author Volkmar Kantor


    I do not know what was happend, are you sure you cropped that image already with my plugin? It would be unusual, but could it be that the images are already distorted after uploading?

    Yes I am a 100% positive I cropped it with the tool and that the original image was not distorted. I did extensive testing on my own before contacting you; perhaps my developer had fixed something and I was not aware; regardless it is back to working properly again. I truly love your plugin and use in several project and will continue to use.

    Thank you for being so patient and responsive, it is appreciated.


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