• Permalink settings: Month and name
    Using a static front page: yes
    Polylang settings:

    • The language is set from content
    • Hide URL language information for default language
    • Remove /language/ in pretty permalinks
    • When the front page is visited, set the language according to the browser preference
    • Activate languages and translations for media

    The main menu does not seem to be working. The theme creators were contacted and after testing they concluded that you should be notified with the below:

    I’ve tested to see if any of the attributes would affect the outcome and it doesn’t seem to. You can forward this onto the plugin developers for the wp_nav_menu function.

    wp_nav_menu( array(
    ‘echo’ => true,
    ‘container’ => ‘ul’,
    ‘menu_class’ => ‘menu hide-on-phones’,
    ‘menu_id’ => ‘dyndropmenu’,
    ‘theme_location’ => ‘mainnav’,
    ‘walker’ => $walker,
    ‘menu’ => $menu_slug

    further details on the support page here

    In the meantime is there anything i can do to successfully configure polylang on my website?


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