• I’ve set up the Polly plugin with S3 and it’s working for new posts. However, I’d like to go back and add it to specific prior posts rather than Batch process all of them (nearly 2,000).

    If I Update a post with Polly checked, it adds the player but doesn’t produce the sound file. I can appreciate we don’t want Polly reprocessing every time you update a post. But is it possible to have an additional feature to manually trigger a Polly processing? This may have to overwrite a prior one unless versioning is on.

    This would allow adding it to specific older posts, to posts with major updates, and so forth.


    • This topic was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by DavidFB.
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  • Thread Starter DavidFB


    This has become more of an issue. Adding a recent post, my server connection timed out (503). The post completed but Polly didn’t get the RSS so no file created. Theres no way to address the issue.

    If i’m not describing a typical issue, I’d like to know. Another post did update the audio file when I updated the post.

    Thread Starter DavidFB


    I contacted my host and they’re not aware of an issue. But posting and updating posts sometimes throws a 503 error. Apparently it’s unable to process the Polly requests and that fails. The post does get posted though.

    Suggestions? Anyone?

    Plugin Contributor tstachlewski


    Hi @davidfb,
    To fully understand the problem. One thing is updating a lot of posts using Batch option. The second is this:

    “If I Update a post with Polly checked, it adds the player but doesn’t produce the sound file. I can appreciate we don’t want Polly reprocessing every time you update a post. But is it possible to have an additional feature to manually trigger a Polly processing? This may have to overwrite a prior one unless versioning is on.”

    I would like to focus on the second part first if it’s ok with you? So we are talking about single post yes? It doesn’t create audio?

    Thread Starter DavidFB


    Hi @tstachlewski
    Thanks for responding. It’s turned out the behaviour is not quite how I described.

    When I Add a new Post, if it works properly, the player and the sound file are added to the post as expected.

    However, most of the time, when I click Publish the server throws a 503 error and times out. When i refresh, the post has published and the player is loaded onto the post but the sound file doesn’t arrive in the S3 bucket. Given the server timeout error, I assume it’s at the plugin level. Something in the Polly plugin process seems to be causing trouble with the server. Given this is an RSS file with some identification meta data, I’m not sure why it would bog the server. (The AWS flow chart shows it going to AWS Lamba, then to the Polly service for processing.)

    If it does work (only twice now on the live server), when I Update the post, it reprocesses the sound file and updates it too. It doesn’t have a problem redoing the file, just publishing it the first time. If it doesn’t work, it doesn’t cause it to work during an Update.

    After announcing the new feature on my blog, i was obliged to turn it off. The plugin has updated twice in the last few days but the fixes don’t seem to be related.

    i spoke with my Hosting service and they don’t know anything at their end that would get in the way.

    The only other plugin that processes on Post is “WP to Twitter.” It announces new posts on my Twitter account.

    What I’m interested in is:
    a) a way to manually trigger Polly processing on an existing post so that if it didn’t work, i can re-trigger it. This would make fixing and testing much easier. (ie: a button on the New Post Polly plugin section.) Don’t know enough about how it works to know how difficult this would be.

    b) any suggestions on how i get Polly working reliably.

    Thread Starter DavidFB


    Not sure if makes a difference but the 2 Polly did work on were smaller posts: one a test and the other the announcement of the service. The longer posts since then (under 2k words) have timed out.

    But again, given this is just a small RSS file, I don’t know why this would be an issue.

    Having a manual trigger would also allow adding Polly to selective existing posts if a user didn’t want to do all of them.


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