• Need help with integration of Payumoney with PMPRO.

    This is so far I could do. It redirects to the payment gateway successfully, but after payment is successful it redirects to homepage, only user gets created but no access level to that account.

    My code looks like this.
    require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . “/class.pmprogateway.php”);
    //load classes init method
    add_action(‘init’, array(‘PMProGateway_payu’, ‘init’));

    class PMProGateway_payu
    function PMProGateway_payu($gateway = NULL)
    $this->gateway = $gateway;
    return $this->gateway;
    * Run on WP init
    static function init()
    //make sure PayU MOney is a gateway option
    add_filter(‘pmpro_gateways’, array(‘PMProGateway_payu’, ‘pmpro_gateways’));
    //add fields to payment settings
    add_filter(‘pmpro_payment_options’, array(‘PMProGateway_payu’, ‘pmpro_payment_options’));
    add_filter(‘pmpro_payment_option_fields’, array(‘PMProGateway_payu’, ‘pmpro_payment_option_fields’), 10, 2);
    //code to add at checkout
    $gateway = pmpro_getGateway();
    add_filter(‘pmpro_include_billing_address_fields’, ‘__return_false’);
    add_filter(‘pmpro_include_payment_information_fields’, ‘__return_false’);
    add_filter(‘pmpro_required_billing_fields’, ‘__return_empty_array’);
    add_filter(‘pmpro_checkout_default_submit_button’, array(‘PMProGateway_payu’, ‘pmpro_checkout_default_submit_button’));
    add_filter(‘pmpro_checkout_before_change_membership_level’, array(‘PMProGateway_payu’, ‘pmpro_checkout_before_change_membership_level’), 10, 2);
    * Make sure this gateway is in the gateways list
    static function pmpro_gateways($gateways)
    $gateways[‘payu’] = __(‘PayU’, ‘pmpro’);
    return $gateways;
    * Get a list of payment options that the this gateway needs/supports.
    * @since 1.8
    static function getGatewayOptions()
    $options = array(
    return $options;
    * Set payment options for payment settings page.
    static function pmpro_payment_options($options)
    //get stripe options
    $payu_options = self::getGatewayOptions();
    //merge with others.
    $options = array_merge($payu_options, $options);
    return $options;
    * Display fields for this gateway’s options.
    static function pmpro_payment_option_fields($values, $gateway)

    <tr class=”gateway gateway_payu” <?php if( $gateway != “payu” ) { ?>style=”display: none;”<?php } ?>>
    <th scope=”row” valign=”top”>
    <label for=”payu_merchant_key”><?php _e(‘PayU Merchant Key’, ‘pmpro’);?>:</label>
    <input id=”payu_merchant_key” name=”payu_merchant_key” value=”<?php echo esc_attr($values[‘payu_merchant_key’]); ?>” />
    <tr class=”gateway gateway_payu” <?php if( $gateway != “payu” ) { ?>style=”display: none;”<?php } ?>>
    <th scope=”row” valign=”top”>
    <label for=”payu_merchant_salt”><?php _e(‘PayU SALT Key’, ‘pmpro’);?>:</label>
    <input id=”payu_merchant_salt” name=”payu_merchant_salt” value=”<?php echo esc_attr($values[‘payu_merchant_salt’]); ?>” />
    * Remove required billing fields
    * @since 1.8
    static function pmpro_required_billing_fields($fields)
    return array();
    * Swap in our submit buttons.
    static function pmpro_checkout_default_submit_button($show)
    global $gateway, $pmpro_requirebilling;
    //show our submit buttons

    <?php if($gateway == “payu”) { ?>
    <span id=”pmpro_payu_checkout” <?php if($gateway != “payu” || !$pmpro_requirebilling) { ?>style=”display: none;”<?php } ?>>
    <input type=”hidden” name=”submit-checkout” value=”1″ />
    <input type=”image” value=”<?php _e(‘Check Out with PayU’, ‘pmpro’);?> »” src=”/wp-includes/images/logo_payumoney.png” />
    <?php } ?>

    <span id=”pmpro_submit_span” <?php if($gateway == “payu” && $pmpro_requirebilling) { ?>style=”display: none;”<?php } ?>>
    <input type=”hidden” name=”submit-checkout” value=”1″ />
    <input type=”submit” class=”pmpro_btn pmpro_btn-submit-checkout” value=”<?php if($pmpro_requirebilling) { _e(‘Submit and Check Out’, ‘pmpro’); } else { _e(‘Submit and Confirm’, ‘pmpro’);}?> »” />

    <span id=”pmpro_payu_checkout” <?php if(($gateway != “payu”) || !$pmpro_requirebilling) { ?>style=”display: none;”<?php } ?>>
    <input type=”hidden” name=”submit-checkout” value=”1″ /> <label for=”submit-checkout”>Proceed to Checkout with</label>
    <input type=”image” value=”<?php _e(‘Checkout with PayU’, ‘pmpro’);?> »” src=”/wp-includes/images/logo_payumoney.png” />
    //don’t show the default
    return false;
    * Instead of change membership levels, send users to PayU to pay.
    static function pmpro_checkout_before_change_membership_level($user_id, $morder)
    global $discount_code_id;
    //if no order, no need to pay
    $morder->user_id = $user_id;
    //save discount code use
    $wpdb->query(“INSERT INTO $wpdb->pmpro_discount_codes_uses (code_id, user_id, order_id, timestamp) VALUES(‘” . $discount_code_id . “‘, ‘” . $user_id . “‘, ‘” . $morder->id . “‘, now())”);
    //do_action(“pmpro_before_send_to_payu”, $user_id, $morder);

    function process(&$order)
    $order->code = $order->getRandomCode();
    //clean up a couple values
    $order->payment_type = “PayU”;
    $order->CardType = “”;
    $order->cardtype = “”;
    //just save, the user will go to PayU to pay
    $order->status = “success”;
    return true;

    function sendTopayu(&$order)
    global $pmpro_currency;
    //taxes on initial amount
    $initial_payment = $order->InitialPayment;
    $initial_payment_tax = $order->getTaxForPrice($initial_payment);
    $initial_payment = round((float)$initial_payment + (float)$initial_payment_tax, 2);
    //taxes on the amount
    $amount = $order->PaymentAmount;
    $amount_tax = $order->getTaxForPrice($amount);
    $order->subtotal = $amount;
    $amount = round((float)$amount + (float)$amount_tax, 2);
    //build payu Redirect
    $environment = pmpro_getOption(“gateway_environment”);
    if(“sandbox” === $environment || “beta-sandbox” === $environment)
    $merchant_key = ‘gtKFFx’;
    $merchant_salt = ‘eCwWELxi’;
    $payu_url =”https://test.payu.in/_payment&#8221;;
    $merchant_key = pmpro_getOption(“payu_merchant_key”);
    $merchant_salt = pmpro_getOption(“payu_merchant_salt”);
    $payu_url = “https://secure.payu.in/_payment&#8221;;

    $productinfo = “Subscription Fees”;

    //$txnid = $order->code.’_’.date(“ymds”);
    $sep= ‘|’;
    // hash-string = key|txnid|amount|productinfo|firstname|email|udf1|udf2|udf3|udf4|udf5||||||<SALT>
    $str = $merchant_key . $sep . $order->code . $sep . number_format($initial_payment, 2, ‘.’, ”) . $sep . $productinfo . $sep . $order->user_nicename . $sep . $order->Email . “|||||||||||” . $merchant_salt;
    $hash = hash(‘sha512’, $str);

    $data = array(

    ‘key’ => $merchant_key,
    ‘hash’ => $hash,
    ‘txnid’ => $order->code,
    ‘firstname’ => $order->user_nicename,
    ’email’ => $order->Email,
    ‘phone’ => ‘44220000’,//$order->billing_phone,
    ‘productinfo’ => $productinfo,
    ‘surl’ => urlencode(pmpro_url(“confirmation”, “?level=” . $order->membership_level->id)),
    ‘furl’ => ‘http://www.yoursite.com/membership-level/&#8217;,// $redirect_url,
    ‘pg’ => ‘CC’,
    //Below are default from parent plugin
    //’return_url’ => pmpro_url(“confirmation”, “?level=” . $order->membership_level->id),
    ‘lastname’ => $order->LastName,
    ‘service_provider’ => ‘biz’,//’payu_paisa’,
    ‘amount’ => number_format($initial_payment, 2, ‘.’, ”),
    //’item_name’ => substr($order->membership_level->name . ” at ” . get_bloginfo(“name”), 0, 127)

    $pfOutput = “”;
    foreach( $data as $element => $val )
    $pfOutput .= $element .’=’. urlencode( trim( $val ) ) .’&’;
    $pfOutput = substr( $pfOutput, 0, -1 );
    $signature = md5( $pfOutput );
    //$payu_url .= ‘?’.$pfOutput.’&signature=’.$signature;

    //Post Method Request Sent

    $payuindia_args_array = array();

    foreach($data as $key => $value){
    $payuindia_args_array[] = “<input type=’hidden’ name=’$key’ value=’$value’/>”;

    echo ‘<title>Redirecting…</title><link id=”main-style-css” media=”all” type=”text/css” href=”http://www.yoursite.com/wp-content/themes/atlas/style.css&#8221; rel=”stylesheet”>

    <div id=”payment-frame” align=”center”><p><h2>We will be redirecting you to Payment Gateway to make payment.</h2></p>

    <p><form action=”‘.$payu_url.'” method=”post” id=”payuindia_payment_form” name=”payuindia_payment_form”>
    ‘ . implode(”, $payuindia_args_array) . ‘
    <input type=”submit” type=”hidden” id=”submit_payuindia_payment_form” class=”toggle-button” value=”‘.__(‘Proceed for Payment’, ‘pmpro’).'” />

    <p>‘.__(‘Cancel Payment’, ‘pmpro’).’</p>

    <input type=”image” value=”Checkout with PayU” src=”/wp-includes/images/logo_payumoney.png” />

    <input type=”image” value=”Working..” src=”/wp-includes/images/progress_bar.gif” />
    <script type=”text/javascript”>
    var auto_refresh = setInterval(
    }, 900);

    function submitform()
    //echo $str;
    // wp_redirect($payu_url);*/


Viewing 15 replies - 1 through 15 (of 15 total)
  • Helping with code like that is outside the scope of this forum.
    If you would like more help then please head over to the PMPro forum.

    You could try this in the meantime.

    Just recently Jason was speaking about this in one of his webinars
    you can hear what he had to say here

    Jason starts to speak about it around the 15 min mark.

    You can also read this here

    Hi, I am also looking for Payumoney integration with PMPRO. Have you completed this payment gateway ?



    There is no gateway for Payumoney. ( none created by Jason for PmPro)
    you could refer to the above post or look at this post


    Thread Starter bicreatives


    Hi Pete,

    Thanks for your response. That is where I got the lead from. Everything is working except when my payment gateway returns back to the site instead of going to PMPRO confirmation page it is redirecting to home page and it is not adding the membership allowance to the user.



    Can you change the url in which the return is going to? ( in PayuMoney)
    This is all I can suggest really.

    Thread Starter bicreatives


    Hi Pete,

    Whatever I put as $surl that would be considered by PayU Money. I’ve tried changing that to other URL and it does go to the right page.

    What do you want me to change the URL to?

    Plugin Author Jason Coleman


    If you have already open sourced or will consider open sourcing the gateway addon, you can share the GitHub/etc link with me and I can take a look at the issue you are having.

    Hi bicreatives,

    Is this resolved, what did you do to redirect after payment success.

    Hi Jason,

    Can you help me? Here is GitHub link

    Hi jsnsurya,

    Did you integrate payumoney in paid membership pro.

    It redirects to the payment gateway successfully, but after payment is successful it redirects to homepage, only user gets created but no access level to that account.

    please send the code if u integrate paymoney in paid membership pro

    Yes I did that. Stay connected at jsn.net@gmail.com


    If any integrate payumoney without issues please guide me how to integrate payumoney in paid memberships pro.

    Hi bicreatives,

    Did you integrate payumoney in paid membership pro.

    It redirects to the payment gateway successfully, but after payment is successful it redirects to homepage, only user gets created but no access level to that account.

    please send the code if u integrate paymoney in paid membership pro.

    Hi Jason Coleman,

    Did you integrate payumoney in paid membership pro.

    It redirects to the payment gateway successfully, but after payment is successful it redirects to homepage, only user gets created but no access level to that account.

    please send the code if u integrate paymoney in paid membership pro.

    Hi, I need to know why my additional gateway is not working for eWAY gateway. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3TXxYFQzKdCOTlvN2hRVXpEdlNoWVhTNFNGaWtYQUE4UFU0/view?usp=sharing can u tell me and let me know the issue.


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