• Not sure how long ago this started happening, but FLVs loaded on my server a year ago, which have been playing fine since, have stopped playing.


    The JW Player comes up with my logo, but clicking on the play button does nothing. Videos uploaded to YouTube are playing fine through WordTube.

    I’ve double-checked the FLVs and I can download them and play them on my machine.

    I’ve got the latest version of WordTube – 2.2.2. Haven’t found any answers on the JW Player site.

    [This post lists my WP version as 2.8.5., but I’m on 2.8.6 – not sure why it did that, because when I started the post the drop down menu showed 2.8.6 so I left it like that…]

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  • Thread Starter bravenewniche


    I’ve tried converting an MOV to FLV (using same program and settings as I did a year ago) and uploading that via WordTube – it plays just fine in a post.

    I’ve also tried re-uploading one of the FLVs that won’t play (via FTP only) but it didn’t help.

    Next I’ll try re-uploading one of the problem FLVs through WordTube and then insert it into a new post using the new ID.

    Thread Starter bravenewniche


    I installed WordTube 2.2.1 on another site, uploaded the FLV that’s not working, and it plays just fine. Version 2.2.1 uses JW Player 4.2 as opposed to 4.3 in Version 2.2.2.

    However, when I update from 2.2.1 to 2.2.2 on this second site, the FLV continues to play.

    So now I’ve deleted 2.2.2 from the original site (only the WordTube files, not its database tables!) re-installed 2.2.1. But the FLV files still won’t play.

    Trying an automated update to 2.2.2 – still won’t play the FLVs.

    Thought it might be something about server settings and FLV mime types being changed somehow, but both sites are on the same server.

    Very puzzling.

    Thread Starter bravenewniche


    Problem solved!

    Turns out the image used as the placeholder (when the video first comes up) suddenly began to interfere with the playing of FLVs stored on my server. Things continued to be fine for videos on YouTube.

    I was using a PNG and things were working fine with the image up until a couple of months ago.

    I haven’t tried using a JPG or creating a new PNG – I’m just glad the videos are running now!

    BTW, if you have lots of videos, just go into phpmyadmin and do a search and replace on the “image” field of your wp_wordtube table.

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