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  • Bump. I’m trying to debug this too…
    Say we’ve defined the word “TERM”, and we have this in our post:

    This term has a busy schedule here's a <a href="wherever" title="Term schedule">link</a>

    This will get completely screwed up and try to put a tooltip over the word “Term” in the “title=” tag.


    I’ve made a “big” updateon the code, but I’ve lost some functionalities :
    – only the first instance is linked
    – any links on H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6, links, attributes, etc.

    I picked up the code in another plugin and i’ve adapted it.

    function red_glossary_parse($content){
    	//Run the glossary parser
    	if (((!is_page() && get_option('red_glossaryOnlySingle') == 0) OR
    	(!is_page() && get_option('red_glossaryOnlySingle') == 1 && is_single()) OR
    	(is_page() && get_option('red_glossaryOnPages') == 1))){
    		$glossary_index = get_children(array(
    											'post_type'		=> 'glossary',
    											'post_status'	=> 'publish',
    											'order'			=> 'DESC',
    											'orderby'		=> 'title'
    		if ($glossary_index){
    			$timestamp = time();
    			foreach($glossary_index as $glossary_item) {			
    				$find = '/'.$glossary_item->post_title.'/i';
    				$titlefind= $glossary_item->post_title;
    				$isFind = false;
    				$matches = array();
    				preg_match_all($find, $content, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE);
    				$matchData = $matches[0];
    					$noChanges = array(
    					foreach($noChanges as $noChange){
    						$results = array();
    						preg_match_all($noChange, $content, $results, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE);
    						$matches = $results[0];
    						if(!count($matches) == 0) {
    							foreach($matches as $match){
    								$start = $match[1];
    								$end = $match[1] + strlen($match[0]);
    								foreach($matchData as $index => $data){
    									if($data[1] >= $start && $data[1] <= $end){
    										$matchData[$index][2] = true;
    					foreach($matchData as $index => $match){
    						if($match[2] != true){
    							$isFind = $match;
    					$replacement = '<a class="glossaryLink" href="'.get_permalink($glossary_item).'"';
    					$replacement =	$replacement.'title="Glossary : '.$titlefind.'" >'.$isFind[0].'</a>';
    					$content = substr($content, 0, $isFind[1]) . $replacement . substr($content, $isFind[1] + strlen($isFind[0]));
    	return $content;

    You have to modify the code to insert the tooltips ehanced version…

    With this code, you’ll have never links on :
    – links
    – alt, title, src, href attribute
    – H1 … H6
    – script, embed

    But you’ll have only ONE link for each term on each page/article, and you will not have ehanced tooltips.

    It works on 3.0.5 version of WordPress 🙂

    And excuse me for my bad english ^_^

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