• Ok. This is a really nice little plugin and does the basics of what we want to do. I would be willing to hire someone to take the core and bring it all the way up to where it needs to be. I am tired of waiting and I can’t find another plugin with this level of cleanness and simplicity.

    Who supports this idea?

    … and any advice on how to move forward?


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  • I support the idea but what exactly would you want to add or change to bring it all the way up to where it needs to be?

    I support your idea. This is a decent start to a good ticket tracking system, but not quite there yet.

    I need a support ticket system only for logged in users (not anonymous visitors). Here is a list of features I’d need to make this system usable:

    a) Shortcode [support form=”name”], rather than magic page augmentation. (This way, I can add logic around the shortcode.)

    b) Only for logged-in users. If feature (a) above is implemented, I can add logic around the shortcode to determine if they’re logged in.

    c) Do not require first/last name (my site does not collect this at registration). I only want username.

    d) Do not allow logged-in user to edit the form user/email.

    e) Logged-in user should be able to retrieve their support history without having to keep accesskey URLs. I’d want a separate shortcode for inserting the current user’s support history.

    f) Secret accesskey is insufficient protection. Anyone who gets the accesskey can add comments to the ticket, and the ticket system attributes it to the original user with no way of knowing otherwise. This is very weak access control. The ticket system should handle access to ticket history based on logged-in user.

    g) Specify the email to which notification is sent (so I can direct it to support@mysite.com rather than the default site’s admin address).

    I’m a developer, but don’t really have time to bring this plugin up to speed. Is anyone (including the author) willing to pick up the gauntlet on this task? This could become a very useful plugin.

    OK, here I go. I’m just going to be hacking on my own personal fork for now, submitting bits of code here, in hopes the original author will produce a new (“official”) version. Disclaimer: I’m not a PHP expert. Use at your own risk as-is.

    I’ve just added shortcode support. No update to admin interface yet; just don’t select a page from the drop-down panel:

    Add this to includes/controller.php:

    add_shortcode( 'support-form', 'suptic_form_tag_func' );
    function suptic_form_tag_func( $atts ) {
            $id = (int) ( $atts[id] );
            if ( ! $form = suptic_get_form( $id ) )
                    return "Form not Found";
            return $form->render();

    The shortcode syntax is [support-form id="1"] on any page you desire.

    Edit to shortcode function above: Should include a short-circuit if the requested page includes an access key:

    add_shortcode( 'support-form', 'suptic_form_tag_func' );
    function suptic_form_tag_func( $atts ) {
            if (isset($_REQUEST['accesskey']))
                    return "";
            $id = (int) ( $atts[id] );
            if ( ! $form = suptic_get_form( $id ) )
                    return "Form not Found";
            return $form->render();

    FYI: The above code is now grossly obsolete. I’m just going to be customizing this plugin for my specific needs, then deal with merges if/when the core plugin is ever updated.

    I still agree with the original poster, and would also like to hear if anyone else is improving this plugin.

    Hi guys…
    I am hoping you guys are getting notifications from your post…

    because it looks like the original developer of this plugin no longer provide support.

    I sent him this message and maybe you guys can help me out:

    how can I have the email of the sender show in the body of the email message?
    or have it posted as part of the Email Body included in the Message body
    or make it so that the Name of the sender is highlighted with an email link of his/her email? right now there’s no way to know what the email of the sender is.

    I’d really appreciate it if you can show me how to do that.

    frankmontes, I’m still listening, and I still use this plugin, but I’ve had to make my own modifications.

    Sorry, I do not know how to address the specific features you need. (Just wanted to let you and the community here know that people are still using this.)

    Im also interested in getting this plugin a bit more up to date. I really like its clean interface and nice functions.

    Thread Starter thealchemist


    I’ve given up on this. Just go get WATS. It costs a bit but it has been well worth it to have something that actually works and gets support.

    I contacted the author of this plugin and got permission to fork the code.
    It can be found here https://github.com/kezakez/Support-Tickets
    I wrote about it here http://www.keza.net/2011/11/29/contributing-to-wordpress-support-tickets/
    It has a few bug fixes.
    I am happy to accept pull requests.

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