Thanks for using our plugin and contacting us. Unfortunately, we are not able to reproduce your issue on our local demo, plugin works fine.
Please send a request to our Support with admin access to your website with this issue to see your set up.
We will check and advise.
Hi same for me.
Console errors say :
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
Contact form 7 ahas no more this ressource in my forders (differents sites)
TypeError: jQuery(“.main-container”).backstretch is not a function. (In ‘jQuery(“.main-container”).backstretch([“http://www.xxx.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/xxx.jpg”%5D, {bypassCss: true})’, ‘jQuery(“.main-container”).backstretch’ is undefined)
Hello @dfuzion
Thanks for contacting our support.
Unfortunately, we are not able to reproduce such issue on our local demo.
Most likely that error causes Contact form 7 plugin. Try to deactivated it.
Our Pro version supports shortcodes Contact form 7 in HTML POP-up:
As other users said your plugin doesn’t seem to work well since update.
On my side I updated WP to 4.8.
And if I deactivate login form on maintenance page I get same error…
And if I deactivate contact form 7 I still have backstrech error.
It was working like a charm before upgrade. So I really don’t know why buying a pro version could change something.
@fruitful Code thanks for your fast reply and also for your offer to take a look into it, I appreciate that. Unfortunately it is not possible to permit external persons admin access. I found version 3.4.2 on GitHub and installed this one now everything works fine again.
Thanks though.
kind regards
@dfuzion Please send a request to our Support with admin access to your website with this issue to see your set up.
Or just the link to website.
We will check and advise.
@fruitfulcode, support message sent.
Thanks for your ticket and access.
We recommend temporarily use Plugin version 3.4.1.
You should replace your data directory to data from the archive. Don’t forget to unzip it. If you didn’t change anything in the source files then your configuration will be not lost.
Our developer works with issue at this moment.
Kind regards.