• Hello,

    You had Categories and Tags already in this plugin. So I added WordPress Links to it as well….

    Here is the new code… I did not add it, but here needs to be a ‘link category’ to exclude option….

    This is a replacement seo-links.php file….



    Plugin Name: SEO Smart Links

    Version: 2.6

    Plugin URI: http://www.prelovac.com/vladimir/wordpress-plugins/seo-smart-links

    Author: Vladimir Prelovac

    Author URI: http://www.prelovac.com/vladimir

    Description: SEO Smart Links provides automatic SEO benefits for your site in addition to custom keyword lists, nofollow and much more. (Brian Edition)


    // todo It’s possible to have option for case insensitive ?

    // $count in preg_replace, max links towards same url

    // If possible I’d be interested in having the plugin to not autolink keywords within (ie H1, H2 etc)

    //”Would it be possible to add an option for posts to link only within their respective categories? …”

    //Chad is right, that for maximum SEO benefit, the links need to be created within a particular category to make sure they don’t destroy the ‘Silo Structure’ of the blog. In SEO terms, only links within the same category or to the ‘top level’ page of another category are ‘allowed’.

    // Avoid name collisions.

    if ( !class_exists(‘SEOLinks’) ) :

    class SEOLinks {

    // Name for our options in the DB

    var $SEOLinks_DB_option = ‘SEOLinks’;

    var $SEOLinks_options;

    // Initialize WordPress hooks

    function SEOLinks() {

    $options = $this->get_options();

    if ($options)


    if ($options[‘post’] || $options[‘page’])

    add_filter(‘the_content’, array(&$this, ‘SEOLinks_the_content_filter’), 10);

    if ($options[‘comment’])

    add_filter(‘comment_text’, array(&$this, ‘SEOLinks_comment_text_filter’), 10);


    add_action( ‘create_category’, array(&$this, ‘SEOLinks_delete_cache’));

    add_action( ‘edit_category’, array(&$this,’SEOLinks_delete_cache’));

    add_action( ‘edit_post’, array(&$this,’SEOLinks_delete_cache’));

    add_action( ‘save_post’, array(&$this,’SEOLinks_delete_cache’));

    // Add Options Page

    add_action(‘admin_menu’, array(&$this, ‘SEOLinks_admin_menu’));


    function SEOLinks_process_text($text, $mode)


    global $wpdb, $post;

    $options = $this->get_options();


    if (is_feed() && !$options[‘allowfeed’])

    return $text;

    else if ($options[‘onlysingle’] && !(is_single() || is_page()))

    return $text;

    $arrignorepost=$this->explode_trim(“,”, ($options[‘ignorepost’]));

    if (is_page($arrignorepost) || is_single($arrignorepost)) {

    return $text;


    if (!$mode)


    if ($post->post_type==’post’ && !$options[‘post’])

    return $text;

    else if ($post->post_type==’page’ && !$options[‘page’])

    return $text;

    if (($post->post_type==’page’ && !$options[‘pageself’]) || ($post->post_type==’post’ && !$options[‘postself’])) {

    $thistitle=$options[‘casesens’] ? $post->post_title : strtolower($post->post_title);



    else {





    $maxlinks=($options[‘maxlinks’]>0) ? $options[‘maxlinks’] : 0;

    $maxsingle=($options[‘maxsingle’]>0) ? $options[‘maxsingle’] : -1;

    $maxsingleurl=($options[‘maxsingleurl’]>0) ? $options[‘maxsingleurl’] : 0;

    $minusage = ($options[‘minusage’]>0) ? $options[‘minusage’] : 1;

    $urls = array();


    $arrignore=$this->explode_trim(“,”, ($options[‘ignore’]));

    if ($options[‘excludeheading’] == “on”) {

    //Here insert special characters

    $text = preg_replace(‘%(<h.*?>)(.*?)(</h.*?>)%sie’, “‘\\1’.insertspecialchars(‘\\2’).’\\3′”, $text);


    // $reg_post = $options[‘casesens’] ? ‘/(?!(?:[^<]+>|[^>]+<\/a>))($name)/msU’ : ‘/(?!(?:[^<]+>|[^>]+<\/a>))($name)/imsU’;

    // $reg = $options[‘casesens’] ? ‘/(?!(?:[^<]+>|[^>]+<\/a>))\b($name)\b/msU’ : ‘/(?!(?:[^<]+>|[^>]+<\/a>))\b($name)\b/imsU’;

    $reg_post = $options[‘casesens’] ? ‘/(?!(?:[^<\[]+[>\]]|[^>\]]+<\/a>))($name)/msU’ : ‘/(?!(?:[^<\[]+[>\]]|[^>\]]+<\/a>))($name)/imsU’;

    $reg = $options[‘casesens’] ? ‘/(?!(?:[^<\[]+[>\]]|[^>\]]+<\/a>))\b($name)\b/msU’ : ‘/(?!(?:[^<\[]+[>\]]|[^>\]]+<\/a>))\b($name)\b/imsU’;

    $strpos_fnc = $options[‘casesens’] ? ‘strpos’ : ‘stripos’;

    $text = ” $text “;

    // custom keywords

    if (!empty($options[‘customkey’]))


    $kw_array = array();

    // thanks PK for the suggestion

    foreach (explode(“\n”, $options[‘customkey’]) as $line) {

    if($options[‘customkey_preventduplicatelink’] == TRUE) { //Prevent duplicate links for grouped custom keywords

    $line = trim($line);

    $lastDelimiterPos=strrpos($line, ‘,’);

    $url = substr($line, $lastDelimiterPos + 1 );

    $keywords = substr($line, 0, $lastDelimiterPos);

    if(!empty($keywords) && !empty($url)){

    $kw_array[$keywords] = $url;




    } else { //Old custom keywords behaviour

    $chunks = array_map(‘trim’, explode(“,”, $line));

    $total_chuncks = count($chunks);

    if($total_chuncks > 2) {

    $i = 0;

    $url = $chunks[$total_chuncks-1];

    while($i < $total_chuncks-1) {

    if (!empty($chunks[$i])) $kw_array[$chunks[$i]] = $url;



    } else {

    list($keyword, $url) = array_map(‘trim’, explode(“,”, $line, 2));

    if (!empty($keyword)) $kw_array[$keyword] = $url;




    foreach ($kw_array as $name=>$url)


    if ((!$maxlinks || ($links < $maxlinks)) && (trailingslashit($url)!=$thisurl) && !in_array( $options[‘casesens’] ? $name : strtolower($name), $arrignore) && (!$maxsingleurl || $urls[$url]<$maxsingleurl) )


    if (($options[‘customkey_preventduplicatelink’] == TRUE) || $strpos_fnc($text, $name) !== false) { // credit to Dominik Deobald — TODO: change string search for preg_match

    $name= preg_quote($name, ‘/’);

    if($options[‘customkey_preventduplicatelink’] == TRUE) $name = str_replace(‘,’,’|’,$name); //Modifying RegExp for count all grouped keywords as the same one


    $regexp=str_replace(‘$name’, $name, $reg);


    $newtext = preg_replace($regexp, $replace, $text, $maxsingle);

    if ($newtext!=$text) {



    if (!isset($urls[$url])) $urls[$url]=1; else $urls[$url]++;






    // posts and pages

    if ($options[‘lposts’] || $options[‘lpages’] )


    if ( !$posts = wp_cache_get( ‘seo-links-posts’, ‘seo-smart-links’ ) ) {

    $query=”SELECT post_title, ID, post_type FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE post_status = ‘publish’ AND LENGTH(post_title)>3 ORDER BY LENGTH(post_title) DESC LIMIT 2000″;

    $posts = $wpdb->get_results($query);

    wp_cache_add( ‘seo-links-posts’, $posts, ‘seo-smart-links’, 86400 );


    foreach ($posts as $postitem)


    if ((($options[‘lposts’] && $postitem->post_type==’post’) || ($options[‘lpages’] && $postitem->post_type==’page’)) &&

    (!$maxlinks || ($links < $maxlinks)) && (($options[‘casesens’] ? $postitem->post_title : strtolower($postitem->post_title))!=$thistitle) && (!in_array( ($options[‘casesens’] ? $postitem->post_title : strtolower($postitem->post_title)), $arrignore))



    if ($strpos_fnc($text, $postitem->post_title) !== false) { // credit to Dominik Deobald

    $name = preg_quote($postitem->post_title, ‘/’);

    $regexp=str_replace(‘$name’, $name, $reg);


    $newtext = preg_replace($regexp, $replace, $text, $maxsingle);

    if ($newtext!=$text) {

    $url = get_permalink($postitem->ID);

    if (!$maxsingleurl || $urls[$url]<$maxsingleurl)



    $text=str_replace(‘$$$url$$$’, $url, $newtext);

    if (!isset($urls[$url])) $urls[$url]=1; else $urls[$url]++;







    // categories

    if ($options[‘lcats’])


    if ( !$categories = wp_cache_get( ‘seo-links-categories’, ‘seo-smart-links’ ) ) {

    $query=”SELECT $wpdb->terms.name, $wpdb->terms.term_id FROM $wpdb->terms LEFT JOIN $wpdb->term_taxonomy ON $wpdb->terms.term_id = $wpdb->term_taxonomy.term_id WHERE $wpdb->term_taxonomy.taxonomy = ‘category’ AND LENGTH($wpdb->terms.name)>3 AND $wpdb->term_taxonomy.count >= $minusage ORDER BY LENGTH($wpdb->terms.name) DESC LIMIT 2000″;

    $categories = $wpdb->get_results($query);

    wp_cache_add( ‘seo-links-categories’, $categories, ‘seo-smart-links’,86400 );


    foreach ($categories as $cat)


    if ((!$maxlinks || ($links < $maxlinks)) && !in_array( $options[‘casesens’] ? $cat->name : strtolower($cat->name), $arrignore) )


    if ($strpos_fnc($text, $cat->name) !== false) { // credit to Dominik Deobald

    $name= preg_quote($cat->name, ‘/’);

    $regexp=str_replace(‘$name’, $name, $reg); ;


    $newtext = preg_replace($regexp, $replace, $text, $maxsingle);

    if ($newtext!=$text) {

    $url = (get_category_link($cat->term_id));

    if (!$maxsingleurl || $urls[$url]<$maxsingleurl)



    $text=str_replace(‘$$$url$$$’, $url, $newtext);

    if (!isset($urls[$url])) $urls[$url]=1; else $urls[$url]++;







    // tags

    if ($options[‘ltags’])


    if ( !$tags = wp_cache_get( ‘seo-links-tags’, ‘seo-smart-links’ ) ) {

    $query=”SELECT $wpdb->terms.name, $wpdb->terms.term_id FROM $wpdb->terms LEFT JOIN $wpdb->term_taxonomy ON $wpdb->terms.term_id = $wpdb->term_taxonomy.term_id WHERE $wpdb->term_taxonomy.taxonomy = ‘post_tag’ AND LENGTH($wpdb->terms.name)>3 AND $wpdb->term_taxonomy.count >= $minusage ORDER BY LENGTH($wpdb->terms.name) DESC LIMIT 2000″;

    $tags = $wpdb->get_results($query);

    wp_cache_add( ‘seo-links-tags’, $tags, ‘seo-smart-links’,86400 );


    foreach ($tags as $tag)


    if ((!$maxlinks || ($links < $maxlinks)) && !in_array( $options[‘casesens’] ? $tag->name : strtolower($tag->name), $arrignore) )


    if ($strpos_fnc($text, $tag->name) !== false) { // credit to Dominik Deobald

    $name = preg_quote($tag->name, ‘/’);

    $regexp=str_replace(‘$name’, $name, $reg); ;


    $newtext = preg_replace($regexp, $replace, $text, $maxsingle);

    if ($newtext!=$text) {

    $url = (get_tag_link($tag->term_id));

    if (!$maxsingleurl || $urls[$url]<$maxsingleurl)



    $text=str_replace(‘$$$url$$$’, $url, $newtext);

    if (!isset($urls[$url])) $urls[$url]=1; else $urls[$url]++;







    // links

    if ($options[‘llinks’])


    $eZargs[‘exclude’] = ‘Unused’;


    foreach ($bookmarks as $bookmark)


    if ((!$maxlinks || ($links < $maxlinks)) && !in_array( $options[‘casesens’] ? $bookmark->link_name : strtolower($bookmark->link_name), $arrignore) )


    if ($strpos_fnc($text, $bookmark->link_name) !== false) { // credit to Dominik Deobald

    $name = preg_quote($bookmark->link_name, ‘/’);

    $regexp=str_replace(‘$name’, $name, $reg); ;


    $newtext = preg_replace($regexp, $replace, $text, $maxsingle);

    if ($newtext!=$text) {

    $url = $bookmark->link_url;

    if (!$maxsingleurl || $urls[$url]<$maxsingleurl)



    $text=str_replace(‘$$$url$$$’, $url, $newtext);

    if (!isset($urls[$url])) $urls[$url]=1; else $urls[$url]++;







    if ($options[‘excludeheading’] == “on”) {

    //Here insert special characters

    $text = preg_replace(‘%(<h.*?>)(.*?)(</h.*?>)%sie’, “‘\\1’.removespecialchars(‘\\2’).’\\3′”, $text);

    $text = stripslashes($text);


    return trim( $text );


    function SEOLinks_the_content_filter($text) {

    $result=$this->SEOLinks_process_text($text, 0);

    $options = $this->get_options();



    if ($options[‘blanko’])

    $result = preg_replace(‘%<a(\s+.*?href=\S(?!’ . $host . ‘))%i’, ‘<a target=”_blank”\\1’, $result); // credit to Kaf Oseo

    if ($options[‘nofolo’])

    $result = preg_replace(‘%<a(\s+.*?href=\S(?!’ . $host . ‘))%i’, ‘<a rel=”nofollow”\\1’, $result);

    return $result;


    function SEOLinks_comment_text_filter($text) {

    $result = $this->SEOLinks_process_text($text, 1);

    $options = $this->get_options();



    if ($options[‘blanko’])

    $result = preg_replace(‘%<a(\s+.*?href=\S(?!’ . $host . ‘))%i’, ‘<a target=”_blank”\\1’, $result); // credit to Kaf Oseo

    if ($options[‘nofolo’])

    $result = preg_replace(‘%<a(\s+.*?href=\S(?!’ . $host . ‘))%i’, ‘<a rel=”nofollow”\\1’, $result);

    return $result;


    function explode_trim($separator, $text)


    $arr = explode($separator, $text);

    $ret = array();

    foreach($arr as $e)


    $ret[] = trim($e);


    return $ret;


    // Handle our options

    function get_options() {

    $options = array(

    ‘post’ => ‘on’,

    ‘postself’ => ”,

    ‘page’ => ‘on’,

    ‘pageself’ => ”,

    ‘comment’ => ”,

    ‘excludeheading’ => ‘on’,

    ‘lposts’ => ‘on’,

    ‘lpages’ => ‘on’,

    ‘lcats’ => ”,

    ‘ltags’ => ”,

    ‘llinks’ => ”,

    ‘ignore’ => ‘about,’,

    ‘ignorepost’ => ‘contact’,

    ‘maxlinks’ => 3,

    ‘maxsingle’ => 1,

    ‘minusage’ => 1,

    ‘customkey’ => ”,

    ‘customkey_preventduplicatelink’ => FALSE,

    ‘nofoln’ =>”,

    ‘nofolo’ =>”,

    ‘blankn’ =>”,

    ‘blanko’ =>”,

    ‘onlysingle’ => ‘on’,

    ‘casesens’ =>”,

    ‘allowfeed’ => ”,

    ‘maxsingleurl’ => ‘1’


    $saved = get_option($this->SEOLinks_DB_option);

    if (!empty($saved)) {

    foreach ($saved as $key => $option)

    $options[$key] = $option;


    if ($saved != $options)

    update_option($this->SEOLinks_DB_option, $options);

    return $options;


    // Set up everything

    function install() {

    $SEOLinks_options = $this->get_options();


    function handle_options()


    $options = $this->get_options();

    if ( isset($_POST[‘submitted’]) ) {















    $options[‘maxlinks’]=(int) $_POST[‘maxlinks’];

    $options[‘maxsingle’]=(int) $_POST[‘maxsingle’];

    $options[‘maxsingleurl’]=(int) $_POST[‘maxsingleurl’];

    $options[‘minusage’]=(int) $_POST[‘minusage’]; // credit to Dominik Deobald










    update_option($this->SEOLinks_DB_option, $options);


    echo ‘<div class=”updated fade”><p>Plugin settings saved.</p></div>’;


    $action_url = $_SERVER[‘REQUEST_URI’];



















    $customkey_preventduplicatelink=$options[‘customkey_preventduplicatelink’] == TRUE ? ‘checked’ : ”;








    if (!is_numeric($minusage)) $minusage = 1;

    $nonce=wp_create_nonce( ‘seo-smart-links’);

    $imgpath=trailingslashit(get_option(‘siteurl’)). ‘wp-content/plugins/seo-automatic-links/i’;

    echo <<<END

    <div class=”wrap” style=”max-width:950px !important;”>

    <h2>SEO Smart Links</h2>

    <div id=”poststuff” style=”margin-top:10px;”>

    <div id=”sideblock” style=”float:right;width:220px;margin-left:10px;”>


    <div id=”dbx-content” style=”text-decoration:none;”>

    <img src=”$imgpath/home.png”> SEO Smart Links Home

    <img src=”$imgpath/rate.png”> Rate this plugin

    <img src=”$imgpath/help.png”> Support and Help

    <img src=”$imgpath/paypal.gif”>

    <img src=”$imgpath/more.png”> Cool WordPress Plugins

    <img src=”$imgpath/twit.png”> Follow updates on Twitter

    <img src=”$imgpath/idea.png”> Need a WordPress Expert?



    <div id=”mainblock” style=”width:710px”>

    <div class=”dbx-content”>

    <form name=”SEOLinks” action=”$action_url” method=”post”>

    <input type=”hidden” id=”_wpnonce” name=”_wpnonce” value=”$nonce” />

    <input type=”hidden” name=”submitted” value=”1″ />


    <p>SEO Smart Links can automatically link keywords and phrases in your posts and comments with corresponding posts, pages, categories and tags on your blog.</p>

    <p>Further SEO Smart links allows you to set up your own keywords and set of matching URLs.</p>

    <p>Finally SEO Smart links allows you to set nofollow attribute and open links in new window.</p>

    <h2>Internal Links</h2>

    <p>SEO Smart Links can process your posts, pages and comments in search for keywords to automatically interlink.</p>

    <input type=”checkbox” name=”post” $post/><label for=”post”> Posts</label>

       <input type=”checkbox” name=”postself” $postself/><label for=”postself”> Allow links to self</label>

    <input type=”checkbox” name=”page” $page/><label for=”page”> Pages</label>

       <input type=”checkbox” name=”pageself” $pageself/><label for=”pageself”> Allow links to self</label>

    <input type=”checkbox” name=”comment” $comment /><label for=”comment”> Comments</label> (may slow down performance)


    <input type=”checkbox” name=”excludeheading” $excludeheading/><label for=”excludeheading”>Prevent linking in heading tags (h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6).</label>


    <p>The targets SEO Smart links should consider. The match will be based on post/page title or category/tag name, case insensitive.</p>

    <input type=”checkbox” name=”lposts” $lposts /><label for=”lposts”> Posts</label>

    <input type=”checkbox” name=”lpages” $lpages /><label for=”lpages”> Pages</label>

    <input type=”checkbox” name=”lcats” $lcats /><label for=”lcats”> Categories</label> (may slow down performance)

    <input type=”checkbox” name=”ltags” $ltags /><label for=”ltags”> Tags</label> (may slow down performance)

    <input type=”checkbox” name=”llinks” $llinks /><label for=”llinks”> Links</label> (may slow down performance)

    Link links, tags, and categories that have been used at least <input type=”text” name=”minusage” size=”2″ value=”$minusage”/> times.


    <p>To reduce database load you can choose to have SEO SMART links work only on single posts and pages (for example not on main page or archives).</p>

    <input type=”checkbox” name=”onlysingle” $onlysingle /><label for=”onlysingle”> Process only single posts and pages</label>

    <p>Allow processing of RSS feeds. SEO Smart links will embed links in all posts in your RSS feed (according to other options)</p>

    <input type=”checkbox” name=”allowfeed” $allowfeed /><label for=”allowfeed”> Process RSS feeds</label>

    <p>Set whether matching should be case sensitive.</p>

    <input type=”checkbox” name=”casesens” $casesens /><label for=”casesens”> Case sensitive matching</label>

    <h4>Ignore Posts and Pages</h4>

    <p>You may wish to forbid automatic linking on certain posts or pages. Seperate them by comma. (id, slug or name)</p>

    <input type=”text” name=”ignorepost” size=”90″ value=”$ignorepost”/>

    <h4>Ignore keywords</h4>

    <p>You may wish to ignore certain words or phrases from automatic linking. Seperate them by comma.</p>

    <input type=”text” name=”ignore” size=”90″ value=”$ignore”/>

    <h4>Custom Keywords</h4>

    <p>Here you can enter manually the extra keywords you want to automaticaly link. Use comma to seperate keywords and add target url at the end. Use a new line for new url and set of keywords. You can have these keywords link to any url, not only your site.</p>


    vladimir prelovac, http://www.prelovac.com/vladimir

    cars, car, autos, auto, http://mycarblog.com/


    <input type=”checkbox” name=”customkey_preventduplicatelink” $customkey_preventduplicatelink /><label for=”customkey_preventduplicatelink”> Prevent Duplicate links for grouped keywords (will link only first of the keywords found in text)</label>

    <textarea name=”customkey” id=”customkey” rows=”10″ cols=”90″ >$customkey</textarea>


    <p>You can limit the maximum number of different links SEO Smart Links will generate per post. Set to 0 for no limit. </p>

    Max Links: <input type=”text” name=”maxlinks” size=”2″ value=”$maxlinks”/>

    <p>You can also limit maximum number of links created with the same keyword. Set to 0 for no limit. </p>

    Max Single: <input type=”text” name=”maxsingle” size=”2″ value=”$maxsingle”/>

    <p>Limit number of same URLs the plugin will link to. Works only when Max Single above is set to 1. Set to 0 for no limit. </p>

    Max Single URLs: <input type=”text” name=”maxsingleurl” size=”2″ value=”$maxsingleurl”/>

    <h4>External Links</h4>

    <p>SEO Smart links can open external links in new window and add nofollow attribute.</p>

    <input type=”checkbox” name=”nofolo” $nofolo /><label for=”nofolo”> Add nofollow attribute</label>

    <input type=”checkbox” name=”blanko” $blanko /><label for=”blanko”> Open in new window</label>

    <div class=”submit”><input type=”submit” name=”Submit” value=”Update options” class=”button-primary” /></div>



    <h3> </h3>



    <h5>Another fine WordPress plugin by Vladimir Prelovac</h5>




    function SEOLinks_admin_menu()


    add_options_page(‘SEO Smart Links Options’, ‘SEO Smart Links’, 8, basename(__FILE__), array(&$this, ‘handle_options’));


    function SEOLinks_delete_cache($id) {

    wp_cache_delete( ‘seo-links-categories’, ‘seo-smart-links’ );

    wp_cache_delete( ‘seo-links-tags’, ‘seo-smart-links’ );

    wp_cache_delete( ‘seo-links-posts’, ‘seo-smart-links’ );


    //add_action( ‘comment_post’, ‘SEOLinks_delete_cache’);

    //add_action( ‘wp_set_comment_status’, ‘SEOLinks_delete_cache’);



    if ( class_exists(‘SEOLinks’) ) :

    $SEOLinks = new SEOLinks();

    if (isset($SEOLinks)) {

    register_activation_hook( __FILE__, array(&$SEOLinks, ‘install’) );



    function insertspecialchars($str) {

    $strarr = str2arr($str);

    $str = implode(“<!—->”, $strarr);

    return $str;


    function removespecialchars($str) {

    $strarr = explode(“<!—->”, $str);

    $str = implode(“”, $strarr);

    $str = stripslashes($str);

    return $str;


    function str2arr($str) {

    $chararray = array();

    for($i=0; $i < strlen($str); $i++){



    return $chararray;



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Viewing 1 replies (of 1 total)
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