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  • Thank you for this nice plugin!
    I’m looking for the feature of “scheduled for days of the week” too

    Its an easy fix to get this to do days of the week….its just a matter of getting it to compare the start date with date(“l”)
    which is the php code to get the current day name i.e. Monday


    if ($atts['start_date'] == date("l") ) {
    			$atts['start_date'] = $curTime[0];
    			$atts['end_date'] = $curTime[0];
    			$atts['start_time'] = $curTime[1];
    			$atts['end_time'] = '23:59';

    just before

    if (empty($atts['start_date']))
    			$atts['start_date'] = $curTime[0];
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