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  • hi. did you found a solution on how to translate “advanced custom fields”?

    Same with the hand coding the translations into your template, you do for the fields, but you need to use add_filters() to your get_field(code) to make sure then quicktags or langage tages render properly:

    enter your content like this in the ACF you created:
    <!--en-->your content<!--:--><!--es-->your content<!--:-->

    in your template you echo out your results:

    <?php echo add_filters('the_content',get_field("yourfieldname")); ?>

    The above will also render out Shortcodes that you may have in your field

    <!--en-->[shortcode for some element]<!--:--><!--es-->[shortcode for some element]<!--:-->

    You cannot use shortcodes with the qTranslate quickcodes ([:en] [:es]) , you have to use the fulle language code (<!–:en–> <!–:–> )


    can u please define it. i am using qtranslate and i added my custom string on

    as u can see it is not showing translation to french of english words.

    can anyone help me..



    I have done it ..

    whenever we need to display a HTML Text On our own that is not previously defined then we have to print it like this:

    <?php echo __(“<!–:fr–>Commence à: <!–:–><!–:en–>Show Time: <!–:–>”); ?>

    But Now what problem occured is it is showing the question mark when encounter the characters like : à


    UTF problem or what trying to solve .
    do anyone knew it already..
    plz help
    thnx in advance..


    i found the solution for this also…

    <?php echo __(utf8_encode(“<!–:fr–>Commence à: <!–:–><!–:en–>Show Time: <!–:–>”)); ?>

    here i need to call this function to make special characters to be shown.

    really great plugin…

    lavijain, you don’t need to use <!–:fr–>.

    Just write <?php _e('English word', TEXTDOMAIN); ?>

    Then, with POEdit, for example, you can translate it. Then when you click language icon (in your case: French), it will automatically change to ‘Mot francais’.

    Just make sure that you translated everything.

    Hope it will help you 😉

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