• Resolved cadfile


    I had this plugin setup on my group’s website to use for donations. I then noticed hundreds of fraud donations in amounts from 50 cents to $10. Fraudsters were using my donation block to test stolen credit cards. Stripe did not catch these obvious fraud attempts and as basic users we didn’t have the tools to stop the fraud before it happens. We were forced to buy Stripe’s Radar for Teams premium product just to create rules not to allow cards when the ip of the user didn’t match the country of the card for one simple example. Our group is now out $55 in Radar processing fees for the hundreds of blocked attempts.

    Stripe investigated and said it was the GiveWP integration and that we should use a Recaptcha on the form. There is no free way of doing that and the one plugin that said it worked with Givewp – Zero Spam doesn’t work with the “Donation Form Block for Stripe”

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  • Plugin Support Ben Meredith


    Hey @cadfile

    Sorry this support request slipped through the cracks! (I’ve made sure that forum posts for this plugin are now going to actually make it into our internal system so that you don’t have to wait weeks to hear something!)

    I agree this is something we’d need to address as much as possible from our side, and I’ve created some feedback on our feedback site to have a team member look into it: https://feedback.givewp.com/bug-reports/p/donation-block-for-stripe-should-prevent-donor-spam

    I can’t make any guarantees that we will do that on any type of accelerated timeframe, so the best short-term course of action is the Stripe Radar fix.

    I’m going to close this forum post, but only so that the feedback site becomes the single source of updates going forward. Follow up there if you need anything!

    Plugin Support Ben Meredith


    Hey @cadfile

    Just wanted to give you a heads up that the version of the Donation Form Block For Stripe plugin released last night adds in reCAPTCHA support.

    Have a great day!

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