• I’m not sure if this is possible with the plugin. But on the mediaelemenjs.com website I saw this page: http://mediaelementjs.com/examples/?name=youtube which looks like it would allow you to embed youtube videos using type=”video/youtube” …is this possible yet with the wordpress plugin?

    I tried using this shortcode in my post:
    [video src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nOEw9iiopwI" type="video/youtube"]

    But it just showed me a black box with a “download file” link in it, so no go. I also tried this: (which seems to be the type YouTube uses in their embed codes)

    [video src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nOEw9iiopwI" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"]

    But that didn’t work either. Am I doing something wrong or is this just not possible yet with the plugin?

    Thanks for any help!! πŸ™‚
    ~ Sarah


Viewing 5 replies - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)
  • I had same problem, but with vimeo. It’s because the plugin’s php file (mediaelement-js-wp.php) didn’t reference or generate the youtube or the vimeo video code. So I added it for my install. Here’s my vimeo/youtube enhanced version of the mediaelement-js-wp.php file.


     * @package MediaElementJS
     * @version 2.5.0
    Plugin Name: MediaElement.js - HTML5 Audio and Video
    Plugin URI: http://mediaelementjs.com/
    Description: Video and audio plugin for WordPress built on MediaElement.js HTML5 video and audio player library. Embeds media in your post or page using HTML5 with Flash or Silverlight fallback support for non-HTML5 browsers. Video support: MP4, Ogg, WebM, WMV. Audio support: MP3, WMA, WAV
    Author: John Dyer
    Version: 2.5.0
    Author URI: http://j.hn/
    License: GPLv3, MIT
    Adapted from: http://videojs.com/ plugin
    $mediaElementPlayerIndex = 1;
    /* Runs when plugin is activated */
    function mejs_install() {
    	add_option('mep_video_skin', '');
    	add_option('mep_default_video_height', 270);
    	add_option('mep_default_video_width', 480);
    	add_option('mep_default_video_type', '');
    	add_option('mep_default_audio_height', 30);
    	add_option('mep_default_audio_width', 400);
    	add_option('mep_default_audio_type', '');
    /* Runs on plugin deactivation*/
    register_deactivation_hook( __FILE__, 'mejs_remove' );
    function mejs_remove() {
    // create custom plugin settings menu
    add_action('admin_menu', 'mejs_create_menu');
    function mejs_create_menu() {
    	//create new top-level menu
    	add_options_page('MediaElement.js', 'MediaElement.js', 'administrator', __FILE__, 'mejs_settings_page');
    	//call register settings function
    	add_action( 'admin_init', 'mejs_register_settings' );
    function mejs_register_settings() {
    	//register our settings
    	register_setting( 'mep_settings', 'mep_video_skin' );
    	register_setting( 'mep_settings', 'mep_default_video_height' );
    	register_setting( 'mep_settings', 'mep_default_video_width' );
    	register_setting( 'mep_settings', 'mep_default_video_type' );
    	register_setting( 'mep_settings', 'mep_default_audio_height' );
    	register_setting( 'mep_settings', 'mep_default_audio_width' );
    	register_setting( 'mep_settings', 'mep_default_audio_type' );
    function mejs_settings_page() {
    <div class="wrap">
    <h2>MediaElement.js HTML5 Player Options</h2>
    <p>See <a href="http://mediaelementjs.com/">MediaElementjs.com</a> for more details on how the HTML5 player and Flash fallbacks work.</p>
    <form method="post" action="options.php">
    <?php wp_nonce_field('update-options'); ?>
    	<h3 class="title"><span>Video Settings</span></h3>
    	<table  class="form-table">
    		<tr valign="top">
    			<th scope="row">
    				<label for="mep_default_video_width">Default Width</label>
    			<td >
    				<input name="mep_default_video_width" type="text" id="mep_default_video_width" value="<?php echo get_option('mep_default_video_width'); ?>" />
    		<tr valign="top">
    			<th scope="row">
    				<label for="mep_default_video_height">Default Height</label>
    			<td >
    				<input name="mep_default_video_height" type="text" id="mep_default_video_height" value="<?php echo get_option('mep_default_video_height'); ?>" />
    		<tr valign="top">
    			<th scope="row">
    				<label for="mep_default_video_type">Default Type</label>
    			<td >
    				<input name="mep_default_video_type" type="text" id="mep_default_video_type" value="<?php echo get_option('mep_default_video_type'); ?>" /> <span class="description">such as "video/mp4"</span>
    		<tr valign="top">
    			<th scope="row">
    				<label for="mep_video_skin">Video Skin</label>
    			<td >
    				<select name="mep_video_skin" id="mep_video_skin">
    					<option value="" <?php echo (get_option('mep_video_skin') == '') ? ' selected' : ''; ?>>Default</option>
    					<option value="wmp" <?php echo (get_option('mep_video_skin') == 'wmp') ? ' selected' : ''; ?>>WMP</option>
    					<option value="ted" <?php echo (get_option('mep_video_skin') == 'ted') ? ' selected' : ''; ?>>TED</option>
    	<h3 class="title"><span>Audio Settings</span></h3>
    	<table  class="form-table">
    		<tr valign="top">
    		<tr valign="top">
    			<th scope="row">
    				<label for="mep_default_audio_width">Default Width</label>
    			<td >
    				<input name="mep_default_audio_width" type="text" id="mep_default_audio_width" value="<?php echo get_option('mep_default_audio_width'); ?>" />
    		<tr valign="top">
    			<th scope="row">
    				<label for="mep_default_audio_height">Default Height</label>
    			<td >
    				<input name="mep_default_audio_height" type="text" id="mep_default_audio_height" value="<?php echo get_option('mep_default_audio_height'); ?>" />
    			<th scope="row">
    				<label for="mep_default_audio_type">Default Type</label>
    			<td >
    				<input name="mep_default_audio_type" type="text" id="mep_default_audio_type" value="<?php echo get_option('mep_default_audio_type'); ?>" /> <span class="description">such as "audio/mp3"</span>
    	<input type="hidden" name="action" value="update" />
    	<input type="hidden" name="page_options" value="mep_default_video_width,mep_default_video_height,mep_default_video_type,mep_default_audio_type,mep_default_audio_width,mep_default_audio_height,mep_video_skin" />
    		<input type="submit" class="button-primary" value="<?php _e('Save Changes') ?>" />
    define('MEDIAELEMENTJS_DIR', WP_PLUGIN_URL.'/media-element-html5-video-and-audio-player/mediaelement/');
    // Javascript
    function mejs_add_scripts(){
        if (!is_admin()){
            // the scripts
            wp_enqueue_script("mediaelementjs-scripts", MEDIAELEMENTJS_DIR ."mediaelement-and-player.min.js", array('jquery'), "2.1.3", false);
    add_action('wp_print_scripts', 'mejs_add_scripts');
    // css
    function mejs_add_styles(){
        if (!is_admin()){
            // the style
            wp_enqueue_style("mediaelementjs-styles", MEDIAELEMENTJS_DIR ."mediaelementplayer.css");
            if (get_option('mep_video_skin') != '') {
    			wp_enqueue_style("mediaelementjs-skins", MEDIAELEMENTJS_DIR ."mejs-skins.css");
    add_action('wp_print_styles', 'mejs_add_styles');
    function mejs_add_header(){
    	$dir = WP_PLUGIN_URL.'/media-element-html5-video-and-audio-player/mediaelement/';
    	echo <<<_end_
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="{$dir}mediaelementplayer.min.css" type="text/css"  />
    <script src="{$dir}mediaelement-and-player.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    // If this happens in the <head> tag it fails in iOS. Boo.
    function mejs_add_footer(){
    	$defaultVideoWidth = get_option('mep_default_video_width');
    	$defaultVideoHeight = get_option('mep_default_video_height');
    	echo <<<_end_
    <script type="text/javascript">
    jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
    function mejs_media_shortcode($tagName, $atts){
    	global $mediaElementPlayerIndex;
    	$dir = WP_PLUGIN_URL.'/media-element-html5-video-and-audio-player/mediaelement/';
    		'src' => '',
    		'mp4' => '',
    		'mp3' => '',
    		'wmv' => '',
    		'webm' => '',
    		'flv' => '',
    		'ogg' => '',
    		'youtube' => '',
    		'vimeo' => '',
    		'poster' => '',
    		'width' => get_option('mep_default_'.$tagName.'_width'),
    		'height' => get_option('mep_default_'.$tagName.'_height'),
    		'type' => get_option('mep_default_'.$tagName.'_type'),
    		'preload' => 'none',
    		'skin' => get_option('mep_video_skin'),
    		'autoplay' => '',
    		'loop' => '',
    		// old ones
    		'duration' => 'true',
    		'progress' => 'true',
    		'fullscreen' => 'true',
    		'volume' => 'true',
    		// captions
    		'captions' => '',
    		'captionslang' => 'en'
    	), $atts));
    	if ($type) {
    		$type_attribute = 'type="'.$type.'"';
    	if ($src) {
    		$src_attribute = 'src="'.htmlspecialchars($src).'"';
    		$flash_src = htmlspecialchars($src);
    	if ($src) {
    		// does it have an extension?
    		if (substr($src, strlen($src)-4, 1)=='.') {
    			$src_attribute = 'src="'.htmlspecialchars($src).'"';
    			$flash_src = htmlspecialchars($src);
    		} else {
    			// for missing extension, we try to find all possible files in the system
    			if (substr($src, 0, 4)!='http')
    				$filename = WP_CONTENT_DIR . substr($src, strlen(WP_CONTENT_DIR)-strrpos(WP_CONTENT_DIR, '/'));
    				$filename = WP_CONTENT_DIR . substr($src, strlen(WP_CONTENT_URL));
    			if ($tagName == 'video') {
    				// MP4
    				if (file_exists($filename.'.mp4')) {
    				} elseif (file_exists($filename.'.m4v')) {
    				// WEBM
    				if (file_exists($filename.'.webm')) {
    				// OGG
    				if (file_exists($filename.'.ogg')) {
    				} elseif (file_exists($filename.'.ogv')) {
    				// FLV
    				if (file_exists($filename.'.flv')) {
    				// WMV
    				if (file_exists($filename.'.wmv')) {
    				// YOUTUBE
    				if ($type == "video/youtube") {
    				// VIMEO
    				if ($type == "video/vimeo") {
    				// POSTER
    				if (file_exists($filename.'.jpg')) {
    			} elseif ($tagName == 'audio') {
    				// MP3
    				if (file_exists($filename.'.mp3')) {
    				// OGG
    				if (file_exists($filename.'.ogg')) {
    				} elseif (file_exists($filename.'.oga')) {
    	if ($mp4) {
    		$mp4_source = '<source src="'.htmlspecialchars($mp4).'" type="'.$tagName.'/mp4" />';
    		$flash_src = htmlspecialchars($mp4);
    	if ($mp3) {
    		$mp3_source = '<source src="'.htmlspecialchars($mp3).'" type="'.$tagName.'/mp3" />';
    		$flash_src = htmlspecialchars($mp3);
    	if ($webm) {
    		$webm_source = '<source src="'.htmlspecialchars($webm).'" type="'.$tagName.'/webm" />';
    	if ($ogg) {
    		$ogg_source = '<source src="'.htmlspecialchars($ogg).'" type="'.$tagName.'/ogg" />';
    	if ($flv) {
    		$flv_source = '<source src="'.htmlspecialchars($flv).'" type="'.$tagName.'/flv" />';
    	if ($wmv) {
    		$wmv_source = '<source src="'.htmlspecialchars($wmv).'" type="'.$tagName.'/wmv" />';
    	if ($youtube) {
    		$youtube_source = '<source src="'.htmlspecialchars($youtube).'" type="'.$tagName.'/youtube" />';
    	if ($vimeo) {
    		$vimeo_source = '<source src="'.htmlspecialchars($vimeo).'" type="'.$tagName.'/vimeo" />';
    	if ($captions) {
    		$captions_source = '<track src="'.$captions.'" kind="subtitles" srclang="'.$captionslang.'" />';
    	if ($width && $tagName == 'video') {
    		$width_attribute = 'width="'.$width.'"';
    	if ($height && $tagName == 'video') {
    		$height_attribute = 'height="'.$height.'"';
    	if ($poster) {
    		$poster_attribute = 'poster="'.htmlspecialchars($poster).'"';
    		$poster_attribute_2 = '<img src="'.htmlspecialchars($poster).'" width="'.$width.'" height="'.$height.'" title="No video playback capabilities" />';
    	if ($preload) {
    		$preload_attribute = 'preload="'.$preload.'"';
    	if ($autoplay) {
    		$autoplay_attribute = 'autoplay="'.$autoplay.'"';
    	if ($loop) {
    		$loop_option = ', loop: ' . $loop;
    	// CONTROLS
    	$controls_option = ",features: ['playpause'";
    	if ($progress == 'true')
    		$controls_option .= ",'current','progress'";
    	if ($duration == 'true')
    		$controls_option .= ",'duration'";
    	if ($volume == 'true')
    		$controls_option .= ",'volume'";
    	$controls_option .= ",'tracks'";
    	if ($fullscreen == 'true')
    		$controls_option .= ",'fullscreen'";
    	$controls_option .= "]";
    	// AUDIO SIZE
    	$audio_size = '';
    	if ($tagName == 'audio') {
    		$audio_size = ',audioWidth:'.$width.',audioHeight:'.$height;
    	// VIDEO class (skin)
    	$video_skin_attribute = '';
    	if ($skin != '' && $tagName == 'video') {
    		$video_skin_attribute = 'class="mejs-'.$skin.'"';
    	$mediahtml .= <<<_end_
    	<{$tagName} id="wp_mep_{$mediaElementPlayerIndex}" {$src_attribute} {$type_attribute} {$width_attribute} {$height_attribute} {$poster_attribute} controls="controls" {$preload_attribute} {$autoplay_attribute} $video_skin_attribute>
    		<object width="{$width}" height="{$height}" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="{$dir}flashmediaelement.swf">
    			<param name="movie" value="{$dir}flashmediaelement.swf" />
    			<param name="flashvars" value="controls=true&file={$flash_src}" />
    <script type="text/javascript">
    jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
      return $mediahtml;
    function mejs_audio_shortcode($atts){
    	return mejs_media_shortcode('audio',$atts);
    function mejs_video_shortcode($atts){
    	return mejs_media_shortcode('video',$atts);
    add_shortcode('audio', 'mejs_audio_shortcode');
    add_shortcode('mejsaudio', 'mejs_audio_shortcode');
    add_shortcode('video', 'mejs_video_shortcode');
    add_shortcode('mejsvideo', 'mejs_video_shortcode');	
    function mejs_init() {
    	wp_enqueue_script( 'jquery' );
    add_action('init', 'mejs_init');
    Thread Starter Sarah


    I just now had a chance to try this out and it works awesome. Thanks so much for taking the time to do that! πŸ™‚



    Thanks – I too had this problem, and your updated code has fixed it for me too. Many thanks.

    This is great! Thanks – works great!

    Any idea how you might make the auto start functionality work with Youtube and MediaElement.js?

    This doesn’t appear to work:

    [video width="640" height="360" type="video/youtube" src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nOEw9iiopwI" autoplay="true"]

    This works great — but has the Youtube skin:

    <embed src=”http://www.youtube.com/v/EBM854BTGL0&autoplay=1&rel=0&#8243; type=”application/x-shockwave-flash” wmode=”transparent” width=”425″ height=”344″></embed>

    Dear d8n, your solution is not working with the new plugin upgrade 2.27.0.

Viewing 5 replies - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)
  • The topic ‘[Plugin: MediaElement.js – HTML5 Video & Audio Player] Embedding YoutubeVideos?’ is closed to new replies.