Unfortunately, relative URLs cannot be supported by the plugin as the document viewers (Google Docs Viewer and Microsoft Office Online) require absolute URLs to be able to render the documents.
Kindly note that by default, when you add images and other files also in a WordPress page or post, full URLs are used. It is recommended to search and replace the domain name everywhere in the database when you move to a new domain name. If you follow it, the PDF links also will be updated with the new domain. This way, you can make sure nothing breaks when you migrate to a new domain.
You have mentioned that the plugin works nicely for you. We are glad about that, and thanks for the comment. But the rating you have given because of the things that are not under our control – could badly affect us. Kindly consider updating it.
Thank you
an easy fix with search & replace 😉
I updated the stars to 5 now… just for you
@casperroux Thank you so much! We appreciate that. 🙂
Plugin updated yesterday….. and it broke all PDF links
Microsoft documents is still working
This is how a microsoft Link looks like…
[pdfjs-viewer url=”https%3A%2F%2F******.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2-Fire_Fighting_Equipment_Inspection_Register.pdf” viewer_width=100% viewer_height=500px fullscreen=false download=false print=false]
@casperroux The last plugin update was released two months ago. It must be something else causing the issue.
This is how a PDF Link looks like…
[pdfjs-viewer url=”https%3A%2F%2F******.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2-Fire_Fighting_Equipment_Inspection_Register.pdf” viewer_width=100% viewer_height=500px fullscreen=false download=false print=false]
@casperroux ‘[pdfjs-viewer..’ is not a shortcode generated by Embed Any Document. It’s a different plugin.
There is 2 plugins used… My mistake.
I will now uninstall the other one, and fix them to work only with your plugin.
This then also means the the original problem with the migration was not the fault of your plugin, but the other one that was used.
Your links migrated correctly.
Can I give you 7 stars for support 😉
@casperroux Haha, thank you so much for that! 😄