• Hi Brian, I just installed this plugin into a site with Buddyboss. It broke the site:

    Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function bp_registration_options_admin_footer() in …/wp-content/plugins/bp-registration-options/includes/admin.php:645 Stack trace: #0 …/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(308): bp_registration_options_settings(”) #1 …/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(332): WP_Hook->apply_filters(”, Array) #2 …/wp-includes/plugin.php(517): WP_Hook->do_action(Array) #3 …/wp-admin/admin.php(259): do_action(‘toplevel_page_b…’) #4 {main} thrown in …/wp-content/plugins/bp-registration-options/includes/admin.php on line 645

    There has been a critical error on this website.

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  • Hi there,

    I found the same issue running a BuddyBoss site. I submitted a request for help quite some time ago and haven’t heard back unfortunately..


    I’m also getting this fatal error after installing BP Registration Options on my BuddyBoss site.

    @rshaules, it would be great if you could update us when you get a response to your request.

    Thread Starter ironlion37


    I just messaged him on FB. Asked him to reply to this thread so that:

    a) we can know this isn’t going to be updated and ask Buddyboss to remove it from their “integrations” list

    b) have an update provided. I mentioned I’d be willing to make a payment for an update.

    c) perhaps another option would be to have another developer take over the plugin. I have one in mind who is an active developer for buddypress.

    Hello ironlion37,

    Great you are looking into how to get this resolved. I agree that BuddyBoss should remove the plugin from the “integrations” list if it’s causing fatal errors.

    That’s great you’re even willing to pay to get this issue resolved- I haven’t had any correspondence with the plugin author and I’m hoping the author hasn’t dropped the project altogether..

    I’m also hoping BuddyBoss would incorporate this feature into their own platform. I’ll let you know if I hear anything and I’d appreciate it if you could do the same. Thanks so much!


    Thread Starter ironlion37


    I just submitted profile sign up and profile edit moderation to the buddyboss roadmap: https://www.buddyboss.com/roadmap/

    My submission won’t show up unless they decide it’s important though. If this is a pain point for you, I suggest doing your own submission to them at that address. This functionality is basic to any social network site and should be part of the Buddyboss platform. The more people they hear from the better.

    Thanks for that @ironlion37, I’ve submitted that suggestion on the roadmap as well.

    I see the BP registration option plugin has been updated, but I don’t see anything on the update notes addressing critical errors with BuddyBoss.

    I’m guessing the plugin author isn’t focused on BuddyBoss support..

    Thread Starter ironlion37


    Well, I think the update fixes the issue. He released the day after I messaged him. And when I enable it on my staging site, it doesn’t break the site anymore.

    Amazing! That would be great- super excited, this is such an important feature to have for BuddyBoss.

    Thanks for taking the time to chase this up as well 🙂

    Thread Starter ironlion37


    After you’ve had a chance to test it, would you post here as to whether’s it’s working or not? I’m moving in a different direction so I’m not going to test it right now. But if you’ll confirm it’s working, I can mark this thread as resolved.

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