• I am not using this code as a wordpress plugin, but adapted the function for my needs elsewhere. One problem I found though is that it will break links, images etc if the glossary words exist these tags. A way around this is to use the following clipboard class at the start of the function and then modify the return to: return $c->paste($content);

    Maybe someone else has a better solution?

    class Clipboard
    var $_buf = array();

    function _tr($n) {
    static $dc = “0123456789”;
    static $sc = “\x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17\x18\x19”;
    return intval($n) ? strtr($n, $dc, $sc) :
    intval(strtr($n, $sc, $dc));
    function cut($subject, $regexp = null) {
    if(is_array($subject)) {
    $this->_buf[] = $subject[0];
    return “\x01” . $this->_tr(count($this->_buf)) . “\x01”;
    return preg_replace_callback($regexp,
    array(&$this, ‘cut’), $subject);
    function paste($subject) {
    return $this->_buf[$this->_tr($subject[1]) – 1];
    return preg_replace_callback(“~\x01([\x10-\x19]+)\x01~”,
    array($this, ‘paste’), $subject);

    $html_tag = <<<REGEXP
    “[^”]*” |
    ‘[^’]*’ |

    $c = &new Clipboard;
    $content = $c->cut($content, $html_tag);


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