• Please help in modifying css style Thumbs Article Rating Block to get the result like the picture. thank you

    screen: http://uryna.net/gdstar_thumb.jpg

    pass to left of div, push to right, in center results %VOTES_UP% total up votes for article : %VOTES_UP% total up votes for article

    orginal template; Thumbs Article Rating Block

    <div class="thumblock %CSS_BLOCK%">%THUMB_UP%%THUMB_DOWN%<div class="ratingtext %CSS_TEXT%">%THUMBS_TEXT%</div><div class="raterclear"></div></div>

    css file

    if (count($thumb_sets) > 0 && count($thumb_sizes)) {
        foreach ($thumb_sizes as $size) {
            echo sprintf(".gdt-size-%s.gdthumbtext { line-height: %spx; }\r\n", $size, $size);
            echo sprintf(".gdt-size-%s.gdthumb, .gdt-size-%s.gdthumb a, .gdt-size-%s.gdthumb div { width: 100px; height: 40px ; }\r\n", $size, $size, $size, $size, $size);
            echo sprintf(".gdt-size-%s.gdthumb.gddw a, .gdt-size-%s.gdthumb.gddw div { background-position: 0px -%spx !important; }\r\n", $size, $size, $size);
            echo sprintf(".gdt-size-%s.gdthumb.gdup a:hover { background-position: 0px -%spx; }\r\n", $size, 2 * $size);
            echo sprintf(".gdt-size-%s.gdthumb.gddw a:hover { background-position: 0px -%spx !important; }\r\n", $size, 3 * $size);
            foreach ($thumb_sets as $set) {
                $url = ($set["location"] == 1 ? $base_url_local : $base_url_extra)."thumbs/".$set["folder"]."/thumbs".$size.".".$set["type"];
                echo sprintf(".gdt-size-%s.gdthumb a.gdt-%s, .gdt-size-%s.gdthumb div.gdt-%s { background: url('%s') no-repeat; }\r\n", $size, $set["folder"], $size, $set["folder"], $url);
    .gdthumb a {
        border: 0 none !important;
        cursor: pointer;
        display: block;
        left: 0;
        position: absolute;
        text-decoration: none;
        top: 0;
    .rtexthumb .gdthumbtext { float: none; }
    .gdthumbtext { float: left; font-size: 12px; }
    .gdthumb { position: relative; float: left; }
    .gdthumb.gdup a { background-position:  0px 0px; }
    .thumblock .ratingloader { float: left; }
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