• Resolved Justin Mason


    First off, thank you for creating this plugin. Wonderful idea! Will be monitoring development very closely. Keep up the great work!

    I’ve run into a bit of an issue in my testing.

    WP 3.2.1
    BB 2.0 RC5
    BB Topics for Posts 0.2

    Installed, activated and then attempted to create a new post with topic integration for commenting.

    Not seeing the option in the discussion meta box to create a topic or specify existing.

    Where did I go wrong?


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  • Does it display the warning about having no forums created yet?

    Thread Starter Justin Mason


    No warning received about no forums. I do have a forum created and a topic in it. Anything I should try?

    If you feel comfortable digging into the code, you can try removing line 22 from the index.php file in the plugin. It’s the check for bbPress being activated and it looks like:

    if(!function_exists('bbp_forums')) return;

    Maybe that isn’t a reliable way to check for bbPress.

    There is also a new development version with a slightly different check and better error reporting. It may be a few minutes before it’s bundled into a zip file, though.

    Thread Starter Justin Mason


    Thanks David. I removed line 22 and am not having any luck. I’ve checked in the discussion settings as well as custom fields looking for any changes but no dice.

    Will try the new development version when its available and report back. Thanks again for putting this together!

    Thread Starter Justin Mason


    This version works without issue and I’ve marked it as such on the front page. Thank you for your hard work.

    Also in messing with this I realized that some people might have issues with screen options not displaying the Discussion Meta box. Might want to add into the read me that if you can’t see options, go to top right of admin panel->screen options>add Discussion.


    Thanks and please share your paypal so I can send a donation.

    I am having the same problem. The plugin installed without error and it show in the list of installed and active plugins, but I can see a Discussion Meta box anywhere.

    thanks, the plug-in is a great idea, and look forward to using it

    my config

    wp 3.2.1 Multisite
    Suffusion Theme
    BBpress 2.0


    quote the raven “never mind”

    found it the discussion meta box, great plug-in


    Thanks Justin Mason

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