• ResolvedPlugin Contributor Avi Bashari


    Hi there, it seems like you are using my plugin code base in your plugin, and it’s fine by me. But please add me to the contributor’s list of this plugin.

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  • Plugin Contributor LuisBeOnline


    yes Sir this modal is based on your code.
    I’m happy to add you as contributor.

    (will be doing that soon 🙂 )

    in fact i’m thinking about hiring a programmer to develop a 2 or 3 plugins.
    Send me a message on Skype if your interested

    Plugin Contributor Avi Bashari


    Hi Luis,
    Thanks for the good thought,
    It’s been a while and you still didn’t added me to the contributors list, do you still think about adding me to the list?

    Plugin Contributor LuisBeOnline


    Hi Avi,
    I know that is been a while and i’m sorry about that.
    I’m in the process of moving house and have no access to the computer were the project is. I will add you as soon as possible.

    I will also not be giving further support to this plugin, so i’m happy to let someone keep the project alive.

    Plugin Contributor LuisBeOnline


    Ok, you’re added as contributor

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