• When this plugin is installed the default wordpress color picker will not render.
    There are css styles int he plugin which effect the default wordpress color picker and hides it.

    I am using a default wordpress color picker in custom meta box for pages.
    It took me the better part of an hour to realize that your plugin is deliberately hiding any and all wp-color-pickers.

    What do I need to do to use a color picker in a meta box with your plugin installed?

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  • Plugin Author Andrei Lupu



    This behavior supposes to happen only on color-pickers defined by PixTypes, and yes, I see now that there is a bug and it applies to all of them.

    Just of curiosity, where is this default WordPress color picker that you are using? I don’t know any color-picker added by core so I guess that there is a plugin which brings it for you.

    Thank you for reporting this, we will fix it in the next update.

    Thread Starter DougMelvin


    I am not using a plugin.
    Wordpress core includes a color picker as of 3.5 for use in the admin area.
    More information can be found here: How to Use WordPress Color Picker API

    I updated my copy of /pixtypes/features/metaboxes/css/styles.css to isolate the css styles that were causing the problem. Good to know that the next version will be fixed.

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