• Resolved tmeister


    I’m getting this Fatal on one of my client sites and this broke all the Post Editor page.

    [14-Dec-2016 17:32:31 UTC] PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught Error: Class 'nxsAPI_PN' not found in /***/public/wp-content/plugins/social-networks-auto-poster-facebook-twitter-g/inc-cl/pn.php:119
    Stack trace:
    #0 /***/public/wp-content/plugins/social-networks-auto-poster-facebook-twitter-g/inc-cl/pn.php(28): nxs_snapClassPN->getListOfPNBoards(Array)
    #1 /***/public/wp-content/plugins/social-networks-auto-poster-facebook-twitter-g/inc-cl/pn.php(99): nxs_snapClassPN->getMergeOptInfo(Array, 0)
    #2 /***/public/wp-content/plugins/social-networks-auto-poster-facebook-twitter-g/inc/nxs_snap_class.php(975): nxs_snapClassPN->showEdPostNTSettings(Array, Object(WP_Post))
    #3 /***/public/wp-admin/includes/template.php(1048): NS_SNAutoPoster->NS_SNAP_AddPostMetaTags(Object(WP_Post), Array)
    #4 /***/public/wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php(727): do_meta_boxes(Object(WP_Screen), 'advanced', Object(WP_Post))
    #5 /***/public/wp-content/plugins/social-networks-auto-poster-facebook-twitter-g/inc-cl/pn.php on line 119

    I can’t find the class file or any other reference.

    Is that class missing or something?

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  • Thread Starter tmeister


    Plugin Author NextScripts


    Please check your license info in Help/Support/About. That means you have Pinterest configured, but you don’t have API.



    Ok – how do we get API? Pinterest’s website is confusing. Can you kindly include those instructions? They have apps under settings but no link to where/how to do that. I went to developers.pinterest.com and that is pretty complex with Status, Descrption, Collaborators, especially Platforms.

    Plugin Author NextScripts


    Sorry, but native Pinterest API is useless for this particular task.

    You need to get this one: http://www.nextscripts.com/pinterest-automated-posting/

    So to get the Pinterest API as you describe, you have to either modify code within WordPress, upgrade to Snap Pro, or purchase the SNAP API.

    There is NO WAY to post to Pinterest with the basic SNAP plugin as advertised. Is that correct? Or am I misunderstanding?

    Plugin Author NextScripts


    Sorry, but we never advertised anywhere that “basic SNAP plugin” can post to Pinterest without additional third-party API.

    Please look at the list of supported networks here:

    Facebook (no additional API required):

    Facebook – Autopost to your profile, business page, community page, or Facebook group page. Ability to attach your blogpost to Facebook post. Ability to make “Image” posts.


    Pinterest (with third party API library)– Pin your blogpost’s featured image to your Pinterest board.

    end of the list:

    (with third party API library) means that you need to have at least “Run-Time Edition” of SNAP Universal API. SNAP API Run-Time Edition is included in the SNAP Pro Plugin.

    But it’s not a “third party” API. It’s your paid product.

    It seems rather disingenuous to advertise something as a feature of your free product that doesn’t work without buying your paid product, don’t you think?

    Plugin Author NextScripts


    It’s not correct. Our free product has all necessary code to call the Pinterest API.

    It’s 100% open source code. It’s there and we do not restrict it’s usage anyhow. It’s not locked to be used with our own API. You can use any compatible API with it. It doesn’t have to be ours.

    You can write your own, you can buy ours, you can buy it from another company, you can hire a developer to write it for you. We even have the technical guidelines that we can give your developer describing how to create compatible API files.

    Yes, we do have our own and we sell it, but we don’t force you to use ours.

    We clearly stated that some networks will work only with third party API. It’s up to you where to get it.

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