Viewing 15 replies - 1 through 15 (of 18 total)
  • Plugin Support Rafy a11n


    Hi @meestergijs

    Thank you for reaching out!

    Could you please see if there are any fatal-error logs from WooCommerce > Status > Logs? If you see any fatal error logs, please copy/paste the content of the error in your reply so that we can have a look. The page would look something like this:

    Thread Starter meestergijs


    I had to change php back from 8.0 to 7.4 to access the website/admin. Here is what I could find:

    2022-08-24T08:57:24+00:00 CRITICAL Cannot redeclare wplms_h5p_translations() (previously declared in /www/meestergijs_294/public/wp-content/plugins/wplms-h5p-custom/wplms-h5p.php:49) in /www/meestergijs_294/public/wp-content/plugins/wplms-h5p-plugin/wplms-h5p.php op de lijn 61
    2022-08-24T08:57:34+00:00 CRITICAL Cannot redeclare wplms_h5p_translations() (previously declared in /www/meestergijs_294/public/wp-content/plugins/wplms-h5p-custom/wplms-h5p.php:49) in /www/meestergijs_294/public/wp-content/plugins/wplms-h5p-plugin/wplms-h5p.php op de lijn 61
    2022-08-24T09:03:27+00:00 CRITICAL Allowed memory size of 268435456 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 20480 bytes) in /www/meestergijs_294/public/wp-includes/wp-db.php op de lijn 2861
    2022-08-24T09:19:37+00:00 CRITICAL Cannot redeclare wplms_h5p_translations() (previously declared in /www/meestergijs_294/public/wp-content/plugins/wplms-h5p-custom/wplms-h5p.php:49) in /www/meestergijs_294/public/wp-content/plugins/wplms-h5p-plugin/wplms-h5p.php op de lijn 61
    2022-08-24T09:28:32+00:00 CRITICAL Cannot redeclare wplms_h5p_translations() (previously declared in /www/meestergijs_294/public/wp-content/plugins/wplms-h5p-custom/wplms-h5p.php:49) in /www/meestergijs_294/public/wp-content/plugins/wplms-h5p-plugin/wplms-h5p.php op de lijn 61
    2022-08-24T09:29:00+00:00 CRITICAL Cannot redeclare wplms_h5p_translations() (previously declared in /www/meestergijs_294/public/wp-content/plugins/wplms-h5p-custom/wplms-h5p.php:49) in /www/meestergijs_294/public/wp-content/plugins/wplms-h5p-plugin/wplms-h5p.php op de lijn 61
    2022-08-24T09:29:06+00:00 CRITICAL Cannot redeclare wplms_h5p_translations() (previously declared in /www/meestergijs_294/public/wp-content/plugins/wplms-h5p-custom/wplms-h5p.php:49) in /www/meestergijs_294/public/wp-content/plugins/wplms-h5p-plugin/wplms-h5p.php op de lijn 61
    2022-08-24T09:29:06+00:00 CRITICAL Cannot redeclare wplms_h5p_translations() (previously declared in /www/meestergijs_294/public/wp-content/plugins/wplms-h5p-custom/wplms-h5p.php:49) in /www/meestergijs_294/public/wp-content/plugins/wplms-h5p-plugin/wplms-h5p.php op de lijn 61
    2022-08-24T09:37:39+00:00 CRITICAL Allowed memory size of 268435456 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 20480 bytes) in /www/meestergijs_294/public/wp-includes/meta.php op de lijn 1175
    2022-08-24T14:09:44+00:00 CRITICAL Allowed memory size of 268435456 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 20480 bytes) in /www/meestergijs_294/public/wp-includes/meta.php op de lijn 1189
    2022-08-24T16:50:22+00:00 CRITICAL Allowed memory size of 268435456 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 20480 bytes) in /www/meestergijs_294/public/wp-includes/meta.php op de lijn 1189
    2022-08-24T16:51:01+00:00 CRITICAL Allowed memory size of 268435456 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 20480 bytes) in /www/meestergijs_294/public/wp-includes/meta.php op de lijn 1189

    And this from the day after:

    2022-08-25T07:23:11+00:00 CRITICAL Cannot redeclare wplms_h5p_translations() (previously declared in /www/meestergijs_294/public/wp-content/plugins/wplms-h5p-custom/wplms-h5p.php:49) in /www/meestergijs_294/public/wp-content/plugins/wplms-h5p-plugin/wplms-h5p.php op de lijn 61
    2022-08-25T07:23:17+00:00 CRITICAL Cannot redeclare wplms_h5p_translations() (previously declared in /www/meestergijs_294/public/wp-content/plugins/wplms-h5p-custom/wplms-h5p.php:49) in /www/meestergijs_294/public/wp-content/plugins/wplms-h5p-plugin/wplms-h5p.php op de lijn 61
    2022-08-25T07:23:17+00:00 CRITICAL Cannot redeclare wplms_h5p_translations() (previously declared in /www/meestergijs_294/public/wp-content/plugins/wplms-h5p-custom/wplms-h5p.php:49) in /www/meestergijs_294/public/wp-content/plugins/wplms-h5p-plugin/wplms-h5p.php op de lijn 61
    2022-08-25T07:27:36+00:00 CRITICAL Cannot redeclare wplms_h5p_translations() (previously declared in /www/meestergijs_294/public/wp-content/plugins/wplms-h5p-custom/wplms-h5p.php:49) in /www/meestergijs_294/public/wp-content/plugins/wplms-h5p-plugin/wplms-h5p.php op de lijn 61
    2022-08-25T07:27:41+00:00 CRITICAL Cannot redeclare wplms_h5p_translations() (previously declared in /www/meestergijs_294/public/wp-content/plugins/wplms-h5p-custom/wplms-h5p.php:49) in /www/meestergijs_294/public/wp-content/plugins/wplms-h5p-plugin/wplms-h5p.php op de lijn 61
    2022-08-25T07:27:41+00:00 CRITICAL Cannot redeclare wplms_h5p_translations() (previously declared in /www/meestergijs_294/public/wp-content/plugins/wplms-h5p-custom/wplms-h5p.php:49) in /www/meestergijs_294/public/wp-content/plugins/wplms-h5p-plugin/wplms-h5p.php op de lijn 61
    2022-08-25T07:28:07+00:00 CRITICAL Cannot redeclare wplms_h5p_translations() (previously declared in /www/meestergijs_294/public/wp-content/plugins/wplms-h5p-custom/wplms-h5p.php:49) in /www/meestergijs_294/public/wp-content/plugins/wplms-h5p-plugin/wplms-h5p.php op de lijn 61
    2022-08-25T07:28:13+00:00 CRITICAL Cannot redeclare wplms_h5p_translations() (previously declared in /www/meestergijs_294/public/wp-content/plugins/wplms-h5p-custom/wplms-h5p.php:49) in /www/meestergijs_294/public/wp-content/plugins/wplms-h5p-plugin/wplms-h5p.php op de lijn 61
    2022-08-25T07:28:13+00:00 CRITICAL Cannot redeclare wplms_h5p_translations() (previously declared in /www/meestergijs_294/public/wp-content/plugins/wplms-h5p-custom/wplms-h5p.php:49) in /www/meestergijs_294/public/wp-content/plugins/wplms-h5p-plugin/wplms-h5p.php op de lijn 61
    2022-08-25T07:33:31+00:00 CRITICAL Allowed memory size of 268435456 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 20480 bytes) in /www/meestergijs_294/public/wp-includes/meta.php op de lijn 1175
    2022-08-25T07:38:43+00:00 CRITICAL Cannot redeclare wplms_h5p_translations() (previously declared in /www/meestergijs_294/public/wp-content/plugins/wplms-h5p-plugin/wplms-h5p.php:62) in /www/meestergijs_294/public/wp-content/plugins/wplms-h5p-custom/wplms-h5p.php op de lijn 48
    2022-08-25T07:38:47+00:00 CRITICAL Cannot redeclare wplms_h5p_translations() (previously declared in /www/meestergijs_294/public/wp-content/plugins/wplms-h5p-plugin/wplms-h5p.php:62) in /www/meestergijs_294/public/wp-content/plugins/wplms-h5p-custom/wplms-h5p.php op de lijn 48
    2022-08-25T07:38:48+00:00 CRITICAL Cannot redeclare wplms_h5p_translations() (previously declared in /www/meestergijs_294/public/wp-content/plugins/wplms-h5p-plugin/wplms-h5p.php:62) in /www/meestergijs_294/public/wp-content/plugins/wplms-h5p-custom/wplms-h5p.php op de lijn 48
    2022-08-25T11:22:17+00:00 CRITICAL Allowed memory size of 268435456 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 20480 bytes) in /www/meestergijs_294/public/wp-includes/wp-db.php op de lijn 2861
    2022-08-25T11:26:04+00:00 CRITICAL Allowed memory size of 268435456 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 20480 bytes) in /www/meestergijs_294/public/wp-includes/meta.php op de lijn 1175

    And here some webhook deliveries…

    2022-09-12T14:49:07+00:00 INFO Array
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                        [Body] => Webhook body is not logged unless WP_DEBUG mode is turned on. This is to avoid the storing of personal data in the logs.
    2022-09-12T18:42:20+00:00 INFO Array
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                                [X-WC-Webhook-Topic] => product.deleted
                                [X-WC-Webhook-Resource] => product
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                                [X-WC-Webhook-Signature] => e5XnMGUNqQD3v9JAEvXjARJdoYpbx2Jyg8O5jG3EwwA=
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                [Body] => Webhook body is not logged unless WP_DEBUG mode is turned on. This is to avoid the storing of personal data in the logs.
                [Response] => Array
                        [Code] => 200
                        [Message] => OK
                        [Headers] => Requests_Utility_CaseInsensitiveDictionary Object
                                [data:protected] => Array
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                                        [date] => Mon, 12 Sep 2022 18:42:20 GMT
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                        [Body] => Webhook body is not logged unless WP_DEBUG mode is turned on. This is to avoid the storing of personal data in the logs.
    2022-09-12T18:45:55+00:00 INFO Array
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                [Body] => Webhook body is not logged unless WP_DEBUG mode is turned on. This is to avoid the storing of personal data in the logs.
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                        [Body] => Webhook body is not logged unless WP_DEBUG mode is turned on. This is to avoid the storing of personal data in the logs.
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                [Body] => Webhook body is not logged unless WP_DEBUG mode is turned on. This is to avoid the storing of personal data in the logs.
                [Response] => Array
                        [Code] => 200
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                        [Headers] => Requests_Utility_CaseInsensitiveDictionary Object
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                                        [date] => Mon, 12 Sep 2022 18:48:44 GMT
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                        [Body] => Webhook body is not logged unless WP_DEBUG mode is turned on. This is to avoid the storing of personal data in the logs.

    Hi @meestergijs

    Thanks for sharing the error logs.

    Have you tried to switch to the default Storefront theme and see if it eliminates the error message?

    WPLMS Assignments: door VibeThemes –
    WPLMS Dashboard: door VibeThemes –
    WPLMS Front End: door VibeThemes – 3.9.9
    WPLMS H5p custom: door VibeThemes,alexhal – 1.3

    If that did not resolve the issue, please disable these plugins as it seems that the error is being caused by the WPLMS H5P plugin.

    Let us know how it goes!

    Thread Starter meestergijs


    When plugins are deactivated, I still get the error. And when using Storefront theme I get a blank page.. So it’s in the Woocommerce plugin. When I deactivate that, I don’t get an error when my childtheme is active and I switch to php8

    Plugin Support Daniyal Ahmed (a11n)


    Hi there,

    Thanks for reaching out.

    Can you please update the WooCommerce plugin to the latest version? I can see you are using WooCommerce 6.8.2 however, the latest version is 6.9.1.

    Please update the plugin, and let me know how it goes!


    Thread Starter meestergijs


    Dear Daniyal,

    That’s not your best advice. That update is from today. The problem was already there. I updated, and I still have that problem.

    What to do next?

    Margaret S. woo-hc


    Hi @meestergijs

    Thanks for updating WooCommerce to its latest version.

    When plugins are deactivated, I still get the error. And when using Storefront theme I get a blank page

    When you switched to Storefront and disabled the plugins, did you disable the custom code snippets as well? If not, please make sure to disable any/all custom code present on the site when you run a full conflict test. Here’s more info on how to go about it: . We strongly recommend running this test because the error you are getting cannot be reproduced on a basic site setup with WooCommerce as the only active plugin and theme Storefront, so definitely there is a conflict with another tool.

    Let us know how it goes.

    Thread Starter meestergijs


    It is something in my child theme that doesn’t communicate with woocommerce plugin in php8. But that works great in 7.4. I often get this message:

    [error] 78188#78188: *3391 FastCGI sent in stderr: “PHP message: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: call_user_func_array(): Argument #1 ($callback) must be a valid callback, no array or string given in /www/live2_166/public/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php:307

    The line in that php file is: $value = call_user_func_array( $the_[‘function’], $args );

    It must be related to Woocommerce. what could it be?

    Igor H


    Sorry to hear about this.

    In afwachting: 415

    Can you please head to WooCommerce > status > scheduled actions > pending. And run the pending actions? (I understand that will need some time).

    WP Memory Limit: 256 MB

    Can you please increase the memory limit on your site, you can refer to this article below to get more information, or you can contact your web host to assist you with that.

    Let us know if that makes a difference. Thanks.

    Thread Starter meestergijs


    I seem to have fixed the issue by deleting these two lines from my function.php file, based on advice given by WPLMS theme support. Can you explain why?

    add_filter( ‘woocommerce_admin_disabled’, ‘__return_true’ );
    add_filter( ‘woocommerce_admin_disabled’, true );

    You talk about executing pending actions. When I look at my live website, I see 1700+ pending actions. A lot wc_memberships_user_membership_expiry and wc_memberships_user_membership_renewal_reminder. Does that mean that these emails are not being sent to my students?


    Plugin Support John Coy a11n


    Automattic Happiness Engineer


    I suspect it could be a result of improper use of PHP namespaces, but you’ll want to check with the theme author to confirm.

    I installed WooCommerce to test it yesterday. Today I cannot log into WordPress. Error on login “call_user_func_array(): Argument #1 ($callback) must be a valid callback, non-static method AestheteOptions::add() cannot be called statically” HELP!

    Hi @mrice4wirrcom

    Thanks for reaching out!

    I understand you are experiencing the same issue and since every site is different and you’re not the person who originally started this topic then, per the forum guidelines, would you please start your own topic?

    Additionally, please include your System Status Report that you can find via WooCommerce > Status. Select Get system report and then Copy for support. Once you’ve done that, you can paste it into your reply here.

    If you could also provide the fatal error logs (if any) under WooCommerce > Status > Logs.

    We’ll be more than happy to help there 🙂</img>

    The issue was resolved by updating PHP file.

    Hi @mrice4wirrcom

    I’m glad you were able to find a solution to your inquiry here and thanks for sharing it with the community too! 🙂


Viewing 15 replies - 1 through 15 (of 18 total)
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