Good to hear the JS tracker is working at least!
Have you sent a test error from the wp-admin test page already and searched for the ID presented in your Sentry project?
Also check to make sure you are not over quota already, that will also drop events so we’d be looking until next month 😅
Let me know what the wp-admin test page gives you and we’ll go from there!
Yep, we got the two tests (see here:
Two separate projects, correct?
That looks good! Events are flowing. So what exactly isn’t working then? 🙂
And having 2 projects is not a must but it can be useful sometimes. Both option (having a single or multiple projects) should work fine.
hey @stayallive , the issue is that the wordpress debug log is surfacing php errors that arent being picked up by sentry (see here:
Did you also configure WP_SENTRY_ERROR_TYPES
( If you did, you might have excluded the notices?
There is also a possibility that some plugin is re-setting the error reporting level (seens plenty of those int he past) causing those notices (often silenced) to not show up in Sentry.
If you didn’t set it already you can try to set it like define( 'WP_SENTRY_ERROR_TYPES', E_ALL );
which might help.
It’s also possible those errors occur before the Sentry plugin is even loaded, but that is hard to tell from my end, for more info see:
still not working. @stayallive Alex, do you do consulting? happy to pay you for your time to help us troubleshoot.
I do, my e-mail is on my GitHub, we will work something out.
Happy to do it for free if we can find a bug in the plugin or improvement for others!
@stayallive email sent! TY for the feedback!
For future readers, we’ve resolved the issue via e-mail, Damon and his team were very helpful in getting me the access needed to troubleshoot the problem.
The problem ended up being that the Sentry constants were placed after the require_once
to the wp-settings.php
in the wp-config.php
, below the “That’s all, stop editing!” comment. This is incorrect and caused problems where the plugin was not correctly initialized. If you ever run into this issue, consult the documentation: and make sure you place the configuration constants in the correct position.
ty again for all the help alex!