• Resolved dimitrov.adrian


    Get a lot of errors in 1.9.2 with wp4.1

    PHP Notice:  Undefined variable: base64data in ...wp-content/plugins/autoptimize/classes/autoptimizeStyles.php on line 311
    PHP Notice:  Undefined property: autoptimizeStyles::$already_minified in ...wp-content/plugins/autoptimize/classes/autoptimizeStyles.php on line 329


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  • Plugin Author Frank Goossens


    darn those notices! 🙂

    the 2nd one is a type, can you on line 391 change

    if (($this->already_minified!==true) && (apply_filters("autoptimize_css_do_minify", true))) {


    if (($this->alreadyminified!==true) && (apply_filters("autoptimize_css_do_minify", true))) {

    the first one is slightly more difficult, I’ll look into that one of the following days.

    thanks for reporting!

    Plugin Author Frank Goossens


    OK, for the base64data notice, on line 270 replace;

    if($icheck->check()) {
         // we have the base64 image in cache
    } else {


    if($icheck->check()) {
         // we have the base64 image in cache
    } else {

    Could you confirm if these two fixes make the notices go away? I’ll make sure both go in the next AO-version.

    Have a nice Sunday,

    Thread Starter dimitrov.adrian


    Thanks for the support. Patches seems to work fine, or at least i have no warnings last few hours.

    About the second patch, are you sure that there will be no case that ‘;base64,’ will be not in the $icheck->retrieve();

    because then $_base64data[1] could be undefined.

    Plugin Author Frank Goossens


    About the second patch, are you sure that there will be no case that ‘;base64,’ will be not in the $icheck->retrieve();

    yep; a couple of lines later (if $icheck->check is false), you can see $dataurihead (which is the first part of $headAndData) being set in a switch-case block and each of the values there, including the default one, ends with “;base64,”.


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