• Resolved zipblit


    I am using WordPress Version 5.5.1
    My Permalinks is set to Custom Structure and using /%category%/%postname%/
    When I create a new Post, the Permalink View Post correctly shows the required Permalink structure e.g. <mysite>/mycategory/myURLSlug

    However, upon mousing over the View Post link (or previewing), the underlying URL uses the Plain Permalinks format of <site>/?p=7444

    Things I have tried.
    1. Change the Permalinks structure and save. Then change it back and save. Note the .htaccess files is updated and I do see the section in there as follows

    <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /
    RewriteRule ^index\.php$ – [L]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteRule . /index.php [L]

    2. I have tried disabling all plugins. Result is the same.

    3. Restarting Apache

    Does anyone have a clue as to why the Permalinks is correct in View Post but the underlying url is still showing the page content version?

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  • Thread Starter zipblit


    I should also point out that the Permalink on pre-existing pages are correct. That is the View Post Permalink and the underlying URL are both correct.

    It is new posts that are not the same.

    Thread Starter zipblit


    I tried these suggestions:


    and installed the “WordPress Rewrite Rules Inspector” which allows Flushing the Rewrite Rules.

    i had the issue with Permalinks after wp update. My problem was solved in one step,,in site dashboard go to settings permalinks and just click save button and flush/purge any cache

    reply if issue is solved, so that others facing the same issue know what to do

    Thread Starter zipblit


    Hi anand99 I have tried this multiple times.

    I have tried changing the Permalinks to plain and save twice, then change back to custom and save twice.

    This issue is unchanged.

    Thread Starter zipblit


    I understand what happens here.

    The View Post URL shows you what the URL will be ONCE YOU PUBLISH THE PAGE.

    Until that point, the underlying URL will be a page index URL.

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