• Resolved sueyrad


    I did a test payment from my PayPal debit card to stripe via my website as a monthly subscription.

    I freshly connected stripe and webhooks via pmp settings.

    I received the payment in stripe and see the money deducted on PayPal’s side.

    But its giving errors:

    Stripe is giving me these notices:

    Pending webhook response A webhook that is subscribed to the event hasn’t successfully responded yet

    and PayPal is saying “Temporary debit card hold to” and it says PENDING.

    Any idea?

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  • Thread Starter sueyrad


    HTTP status code

    400 (Bad Request)

    Webhook im trying to use:


    Thread Starter sueyrad


    Error rate 100%

    API version 2022-11-15

    Thread Starter sueyrad


    Ive created an entire new stripe account and reconnected via pmp settings and everything is freshly implemented API 2023-10-16

    Still throwing 400 (Bad Request) “This webhooked delivery failed”

    API shows 17 request are successful but webhooks are failing with 400 status code. invoice.payment_succeeded failed webhooks

    Thread Starter sueyrad


    Yet it shows

    200 OK

    /v1/webhook_endpoints under “logs”

    Thread Starter sueyrad


    I noticed it still says Stripe API Version: 2022-11-15 under Other Stripe Settings in pmp settings. Not sure what this means but ive created a new stripe account that says API 2023-10-16. Sorry for all the posts just trying to provide details

    Thread Starter sueyrad


    Seems to have fixed webhooks by selecting
    “Events on connected accounts” when adding the webhooks. I would add that info that to your documentation, i dont think i saw it.

    Paypal order still showing temporary hold and “pending”…

    not sure if thats something on their end for some reason?

    Thread Starter sueyrad


    I want to ask.. is the $0.00 invoice normal?

    Invoice was finalized and automatically marked as paid because the amount due was $0.00

    Is this just part of how the subscription works? Says “Trial period for Pro” but i dont offer a trial. Just wondering if this is normal..


    Plugin Author Andrew Lima


    Hi @sueyrad,

    If you have a $0 initial payment amount, a $0 invoice will be created as we actually haven’t received any payment. If you have an amount of a set price at checkout, this amount should reflect in the invoice immediately after checkout.

    The wording in Stripe can be confusing, this article explains more on the wording about “Trialing until” in Stripe – https://www.paidmembershipspro.com/stripe-api-integration/#:~:text=The%20%E2%80%9Ctrial%E2%80%9D%20status%20in%20Stripe,a%20new%20subscription

    I hope this helps.

    Plugin Support Jarryd Long


    Because there have not been any recent updates to this topic, we will be changing the status to resolved.

    Please feel free to start a new topic for any other questions you may have.

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