• Schmoopy



    I’ve recently taken on the task of integrating wordpress into an already running site, which has its own basic blog (this is being replaced by wordpress).

    I’m using the permalinks, like so: site.com/blog/2011/04/first-post/

    And want to be able to figure out what post to load, based on the url specified. So in this case, I want to load the post with the “first-post” slug.

    I’ve completely stripped out any default wordpress themes, and have set “WP_USE_THEMES” to “false”. I realise that if you use the themes, wordpress figures out which blog post you want by way of the permalink.
    But I can’t seem to get that data to pass through.

    I’ve tried doing:

    $q = new WP();


    to see if I can get any data from the post, but nothing’s coming out at the moment.

    Any help would be very much appreciated, I might be using the wrong function, or going about this the wrong way.

    Thank you!

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