• Adv Gutenberg Blocks v1.9.8 with TwentyTwenty theme v1.2, on WP 5.4

    Blocks, Tweak Editor shows colors I have Added.

    Posts, Edit, paragraph block, only default palette shown in Color Settings.

    After exiting the Edit Post screen, the colors I defined shill show in Tweak Editor.

    How do I use the Palette?

    Note that might be related (from Firefox Developer Tools): “wp.editor.withColors is deprecated. Please use wp.blockEditor.withColors instead”.
    in https://DOMAIN/wp-includes/js/dist/deprecated.min.js?ver=cd9e35508705772fbc5e2d9736bde31b line 1625

    How about a palette designer, user specifies a base color and this lets user pick from among the analogous and monochromatic colors, for text and for background? Have another field, “Theme Background color”, so can warn against text colors with too-low contrast. (User picks text color, then picks from that text color shown against each background color.) Specify color and background-color in CSS, using class names based on palette color order; so when change base color, the palette classes change too.

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