• Resolved Ansidious


    Hi all,
    I am wondering if you know how to create pagination from this bit of code I am using to display images from bp album+ ? Super stuck, much appreciated for any help.

    <?php include ( TEMPLATEPATH . '/options-var.php' ); ?>
    <?php get_header();  //Landscape, People, Panorama, Architecture
       global $wpdb, $bp;
    	 $qp = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT distinct keyword FROM wp_bpm_media_keywords where keyword='landscapes' or  keyword='people' or keyword='architecture' or keyword='pets' or keyword='panoramas' or keyword='abstract and fantasy' or keyword='white bird' ");
    	 $rpr = array();
    	 foreach($qp as $rpres)
    		 $rpr[$i] = $rpres->keyword;
    <div class="imagebank" id="post-entry" style="float: left; width: 970px;">
    <h1 class="post-title"><?php echo ucwords($pagename); ?></h1>
    <div class="post-content" style="position:relative; left:-25px;">
    global $bp, $featured_template;
    $args = array(); // Explicitly creating the array avoids an error in PHP strict mode.
    <table align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="1" width="100%">
    			<tr class="tbbcss">
                <td height="32" class="tbbcss">
                 <span class="txtgp2"> <?php echo ucfirst($rpr[$i]);?> <span> <br /><br />
      // Randomly select results to show from results fetched
     $qp1 = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT media_id FROM wp_bpm_media_keywords where keyword='".$pagename."'");
     	$j=0;	$args['id']='';
      foreach($qp1 as $rpres1)
        $args['id'] .=",0,".$rpres1->media_id;
    	$args['max'] = 100;                                     // Total number of results to fetch
    	$args['per_page'] = 100;                                 // Total number of results to show
    	$args['order_key'] = 'top';
     bp_album_featured_query_items($args);                   // The args we supply to the query will override the values
     if ( bp_album_featured_has_items() ) : ?>
        <div class="bpa-content-wrap">
            <div class="bpa-content-sitewide"><?php
                while ( bp_album_featured_has_items() ) : bp_album_featured_the_item(); ?>
                            <a href="<?php bp_album_featured_itemURL() ?>" class="media-image"><?php bp_album_featured_previewImage() ?></a>
                endwhile;  ?>
        <div class="bpa-content-wrap">
            <div class="bpa-content-sitewide"><?php
             $qp1 = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT media_id FROM wp_bpm_media_keywords where keyword='".$rpr[$i]."' order by media_id desc  ");
                foreach($qp1 as $rpres1)
    			 $qp2 = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT preview_image,owner_id  FROM wp_bpm_media where id=".$rpres1->media_id);
    		      foreach($qp2 as $rpres2)
    				  $url = str_replace("/home/pho/public_html","",$rpres2->preview_image);


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  • Plugin Contributor foxly


    BP-Album doesn’t currently support pagination for image galleries. We’re working on that for a future release.


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