• [ Moderator note: moved to Fixing WordPress. ]

    Hey everybody,
    I am using “the-events-calender” on my website and included a pagination. Everything is fine, but I can’t click on Nummer 1 to get the base-link.

    We inserted this Script into nav.php from “the-event-calendar”. is there anything wrong?

    <?php $args = array(
    ‘base’ => ‘%_%’
    ‘format’ => ‘/hauptstadtkalender/page/%#%’/*
    ‘total’ => 1,
    ‘current’ => 0,
    ‘show_all’ => false,
    ‘end_size’ => 1,
    ‘mid_size’ => 2,
    ‘prev_next’ => true,
    ‘prev_text’ => __(‘<< Previou’),
    ‘next_text’ => __(‘Next ‘),
    ‘type’ => ‘plain’
    ‘add:args’ => false,
    ‘add_fragment’ => ”,
    ‘before_page_number’ => ”,
    ‘after_page_number’ => ”*/
    ); ?>
    <?php echo paginate_links( $args ); ?>


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