• I have a question about my website pages.
    My front page is my static home page and my posting page is the blog page.
    My wordpress template does not allow me to have comments submitted on my blog posting page. Is this true of all wordpress themes? I would like to allow this feature on current template with your coding help, or is there a theme I can download which already allows this feature?
    Thank you for your help.

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  • Make sure that in the page editor for the blog page you have the checkbox ticked for “Allow comments on this page”.

    If this is definatly ticked then you need to either edit page.php or the custom template file you might be using for this page to include the comments template for your theme.

    Thread Starter al-c


    Yes, allow comments is checked on the blog page.
    Is there an easy fix to this issue?
    There has been a alot of questions regarding allowing comments by my search of this forum but no definitive answers.
    If you know how to edit the page.php or template, I would love to hear it.

    It could be simple but might need modifications to visually appear how you want depending on your theme, so you might want to look at changing theme for an alternative option, but it’s easy to do and most themes should have this by default not sure why yours doesn’t.

    Try adding:

    <h1>Testing</h1><?php comments_template(); ?>

    to page.php

    If it works you can remove the <h1>Testing</h1> part.

    If it does not work and you cannot see the “Testing” text it means that your blog page is using a different template file to page.php, you’ll have to find this unless you can list all of the files within your themes folder and I can take a guess.

    Thread Starter al-c


    unfortunately, I do not see the <h1>Testing</h1> code in my page.php.
    Here is how my page.php looks
    <?php get_header(); ?>
    <!– LEFTBAR –>
    <div id=”leftbar”>
    <?php while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>
    <div id=”post”>
    <h1>“><?php the_title(); ?></h1>
    <!–<h2>By <span style=”color:#0066FF”>
    <?php the_author() ?>
    <?php if(function_exists(‘the_views’)) { the_views(); } ?></span></h2>–>
    <p> <?php the_content(”); ?> </p>
    <?php comments_template(); ?>
    <div id=”links”><?php wp_link_pages(); ?></div>
    <?php endwhile; ?>

    <!– END LEFTBAR –>

    <?php get_sidebar(); ?>
    <?php get_footer(); ?>

    Is there a way of knowing whether any other template lets me have “comments” on blog page without downloading the template and then looking at it’s code?

    Thread Starter al-c


    these are the files in my template
    404 Template (404.php)
    Comments (comments.php)
    Footer (footer.php)
    Header (header.php)
    Main Index Template (index.php)
    Page Template (page.php)
    Search Form (searchform.php)
    Search Results (search.php)
    Sidebar (sidebar.php)
    Single Post (single.php)
    Theme Functions (functions.php)
    Stylesheet (style.css)

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